Talking With Urbana Big Man Ryder Matteson Class Of 2022

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell
Ryder Matteson Urbana OL/DL Class of 2022 5'11 275

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Ryder Matteson how was your season?
My season at Urbana didn’t quite go as planned, given that we didn’t have a varsity season but a JV season. We were able to play in two varsity games, (Centennial and Danville HS) which made me pretty happy because of the situation. Although we played JV, I still tried to make good out of bad a situation and I played in every game we competed in. Personally, I had a great season blocking and didn’t allow a sack and I had quite a few pancakes. I even got a few drives on defense stopping a third down conversion and even half a sack.
What does football mean to you?
Football to me means everything. It’s the difference between success and failure. It has helped me grow from a boy to a man and without it I wouldn’t be here today. I am so passionate about football and playing at the next level would mean everything to me.
What do you like about playing in the trenches?
The thing I love about playing in the trenches is smashing whoever is in front of me. I love getting on the line, getting a huge pancake, and making sure my man doesn’t make the play. I also love blocking for my QB and RB, then hearing about how they love my blocks and make things easier for them during the game.
What was one of your favorites memories this season?
My favorite memory this season was playing with all my brothers on the field. Given everything we’ve been through shows our commitment and love for each other. The seniors and juniors I have played with since the start of it stood by my side when things got tough. The underclassmen showed so much heart and maturity throughout the season it made me excited to see where the Urbana program will be within the next couple years.
What do you feel is your strongest trait on the football field?
On the football field I excel in leadership and putting in 110 percent every time I step out there. I always make sure whoever I’m blocking doesn’t make a play and I try and wreak havoc on the line. But, most of all I know that my leadership is a top trait of mine. All of my teammates look up to me for leadership and rely on me to lead the team regardless of the outcome or situation.
What senior showcases do you plan on attending?
Currently I will be attending EDGYTIM’s senior showcase December 8th, and I am currently looking for any available. I am willing to go to any senior showcase in or around Illinois to show I have the ability to play college ball.
What would you like college coaches to know about you?
I want college coaches to know that I am willing to put everything to the side and be extremely dedicated to the program. All I want to do is be successful in football and help my team be successful. My goal is to improve every single day and put as much work in as I can to show colleges I am ready.
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