Talking With Stevenson QB Aidan Crawley Class Of 2026 - Name You Need To Know About

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Aidan Crawley Stevenson QB Class Of 2026

Aidan Crawley how is your season going so far? The season has been awesome so far. I’ve had a lot of new experiences this year being on the varsity level, but my goal is to get better every week so our team can be in the best position for success. How does it feel to get the big win against Mundelein? It was a much needed win and it definitely didn’t come easy. There was a lot of ups and down but I am glad that we pulled through with the win.
What does football mean to you? Football is different than any other sport I play because in football, when you line up to catch the snap, you have 10 other guys right with you and you all have the same goal, which is to win the battle. So In football, you have to trust and love your teammates, and that’s why I love it. What should college coaches know about you? I am very hard working in both school and football, and I make a lot of plays on the field no matter what the situation is.
What do you feel is your strongest trait on the football field?
My ability to make plays out of a broken play and my arm strength.
What has been your favorite memory so far this season?
Throwing my first ever varsity touchdown against Taft was for sure my favorite memory so far.
What goals do you have for yourself rest of the season?
I definitely want to throw at least 8 more touchdowns and finish with a 7-2 regular season record.
Who is another sophomore player from Stevenson that you feel is having a breakout season?
I think D’Angelo Washington, our inside linebacker is having a great season.
What would be your dream school to play for on the college level? I would love to play at Penn State.
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