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Talking With Marian Central Linebacker RJ Miner Class Of 2022

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Deep Dish Football is the number #1 Respected Source in Illinois among College Coaches. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell

RJ Miner Marian Central Linebacker Class of 2022 6'0 220

RJ Miner how was your Spring Season? As a team, we ended up with two solid wins and four "opportunities to get better" out of six games. As a team, we where happy to get out there and compete in such a weird time. Personally I improved my physicality and ability to read and react, along with speeding up my overall tempo of play. What does football mean to you? For the past 12 years of my life Football has been an important part in my life, and has taught me many life lessons that remain valuable to me today. The team aspect of football has also stood out to me through the years, the fact that you and a group of guys are all working to the same goals. Also, the friendships I've made throughout my ongoing career are unbreakable. What should college coaches know about you? A college coach should know that I am a hard working and resilient player. Also, that I give 110% between the whistles. I have a physical and attack oriented style of play. Most importantly I'm a great teammate, that will always have my teams back, and always be there for our one common goal. What do you like about playing linebacker? I like the physically of the position, along with the responsibility of being a leader and making decisions on defense. I also like the ability of a linebacker to be all over the field and being able to rush, and play pass coverage. What game are you looking most forward to this upcoming season? I'm really looking forward to St. Pats, they are a tough and talented team that we battled with in the spring and im excited to face them again How does Marian Central look for the upcoming season? With a quarterback like Brendan Hernan and the protection he gets from our line, I believe we will have no problem scoring. On the defense side of the ball, we are ready to get after it with an aggressive and physical playing style to stop the ball at the line of scrimmage. With all that said, we have a tough schedule ahead of us but we should be pretty successful with everyone coming together with 100% effort.

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