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Talking With Lake Forest 6'4 Defensive End Brady Goodman Class Of 2023 - Recruit You Need To See

So, in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell

Brady Goodman Lake Forest Defensive End Class Of 2023 6'4 205

Brady Goodman how was your season?

To start off way back in August, I didn’t think that I was going to enjoy the season very much. I had my sights set on becoming the starting tight end, but I was placed on the defensive side of the ball as a defensive end. At the time, I didn’t realize how great of a decision that would turn out to be. Anyways, this really caused me to do some soul searching on if this was really what’s best for me, and if I should consider asking Coach Spags to change to offense. After a couple of lackluster weeks of practice, I didn’t start in our first game, and for good reason. If I was coaching myself I would’ve done the same thing until I saw an attitude change. I ultimately decided after getting very little playing time and sitting on the bench in the first game that I would suck it up and make the best out of a “bad” situation, or so I thought it was in my head. In that week 2 game against Carmel, although we lost, I had a great game off the bench. I had a lifelong mentor and former coach there to watch me, so I couldn’t disappoint. I put everything I had into that game, and I noticed that my play on the field reflected my positive attitude change. This performance was what propelled me to a starting spot in week 3, and I never looked back after that. Over the course of the season, there were many personal highs, including the game-changing fumble recovery against Stevenson, being D-Lineman of the week against Zion-Benton, and my personal favorite game against Harlem in week 2 of the IHSA playoffs. There were also some low points throughout the season, especially my season ending concussion that I received in week 3 of the playoffs against Prairie Ridge. It really hurt me to not be able to help my team in the Semis. Finally, there were also many things that I learned and need to work on this off-season, such as strength training and reaction time. I would like to think that I made at least some affect on our run to the semifinals, but truly it was all the teammates and coaches that I was surrounded by. I can’t imagine the success of my season without each and every one of my teammates that played alongside me and the coaches that helped me out of my mental slump at the beginning of the season. I am very grateful for the knowledge that I gained from the graduating seniors, and I look forward to leading by example to the younger guys on the team when I am a senior in the program.

What does football mean to you?

To me, football isn’t just a game. Ever since I was a little kid, I have always loved football. From playing flag football in first grade to two-hand touch and then tackle football at St. Mary’s, and now at Lake Forest, I have always given everything that I can to this game. I couldn’t imagine my life without such a powerful influence of the life lessons that I learned from football, and the experience of forming an everlasting brotherhood. Not to mention that it is both the most entertaining sport and most fun to play.

What do you like about playing on the defensive line?

To keep things short, I like D-line because I get to hit the quarterback. I can use my speed to my advantage, especially since offensive lineman aren’t the most agile of people. That satisfaction after a great hit is second to none. Hopefully I can get a lot more QB hits and sacks next season.

What was your favorite memory from last season?

I would have to say that my favorite memory from the season was in week 3 vs Stevenson at home. For context, this was my first game starting and up until this point, I was having a pretty poor game. I missed a couple of tackles and my head was not fully in the game, and the pressure I was putting on myself was building up. Then in the third quarter, Stevenson was on our 15 yard line or so and about to score when I got a fumble recovery in the backfield to give us possession. My favorite part of this was waking over to the sideline and seeing the joy on my teammates faces and the crowd cheering. I was so proud that I had something to do with my teammates’ joy. We then took the ball down the field and scored a touchdown to go up two possessions.

What do you feel is your strongest trait on the football field?

I take great pride in not letting trash talk affect my game. I am definitely one of the quieter ones while i’m on the field. I wouldn’t want to do anything that would affect my team negatively, so I avoid all negative confrontations with the opposition whenever I can. I celebrate with my team, not by bringing my opponent down.

What part of your game do you plan on working on in the offseason?

Two things, strength training and reaction time. Throughout the whole season I had a very hard time winning my matchups on the line through sheer strength, and this cost me in a few games against teams with better offensive lines. I plan on putting on a lot of muscle this off-season. I also want to get better at reaction time in order to get off the ball as quick as possible.

What would you like college coaches to know about you?

I am a very hard worker and I will put in the time to get better. I am currently in my second month of off-season lifting and the results are starting to show strength-wise. I am also a good leader among my teammates and I love when people look up to me. I find it very important to set good examples, especially for younger players.

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