Speaking With Wheaton North Athlete Dylan Jung Class Of 2025 - Top Illinois Recruit You Must Know

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Dylan Jung Wheaton North LB/ATH Class Of 2025 5'11 205
Dylan Jung how is your season going so far? I’d say that my season is going okay, as a team we are not exactly where we need to be sitting at 3-3. We are looking to win out the rest of the year and put ourselves in the best spot to continue playing through the year. Personally, I have felt very excited about this year, and I feel as though I’m getting great experience and becoming more comfortable at my spot. What does football mean to you? Football means a ton to me. I’ve played it my whole life and I’ve loved the game ever since What should college coaches know about you? Coaches should know that I am willing to play any position that they need me to play and will always put the team’s will above my own, while using my work ethic to compete at my best capability.
What do you feel is your strongest trait on the football field?
I think my strongest trait on the football field is my leadership. I feel that I am able to keep a unit together and work towards one goal as a group.
What has been your favorite memory so far this season? So far through 6 games my favorite memory this season was beating Saint Charles North at home. I felt that we played a great game as a team after preparing well. It was good to beat another good team and bounce back after a loss against a tough Lockport team. I also felt that I played a solid game myself. What do you like about playing linebacker? My favorite part about playing linebacker is leading the defense. Additionally I love that as a linebacker I am able to be involved in any play whether it is a run or a pass.
What goals do you have for yourself rest of the season?
The main goal right now is to put our team in a spot to continue playing past the regular season. Personally, I’d like to see myself create more plays and have more tackles per game, increasing my total tackles this year.
Who on Wheaton North is having a breakout season?
I would say that a lot of my teammates are producing in many ways to help our team succeed. A couple of players that stick out to me for having a breakout season are Shane Diericx, our SAM linebacker who is a sophomore. He is having a great season and making big plays for us. He is one to keep an eye out for. A couple other players are Walker Owens and Matt Kuczaj, who have both been huge players for us on both sides of the ball. Rich Schilling is also having a tremendous year at receiver for us.
What motivates a Dylan Jung? I would say there’s a ton of things that motivates me as a player. A big one to me is my father. He has given so much for me. He’s taught me so much and made me who I am today. Making him proud is something that will always push me.
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