Speaking With Aurora Central Catholic 6'3 Star QB Kevin Stanislo Class Of 2024 - Name You Must Know

So, in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know, but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. This is one of the many reasons why Deep Dish Football is respected in the IHSA. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell
Kevin Stanislo Aurora Central Catholic QB Class Of 2024 6'3 190

Kevin Stanislo how was your junior season? It went well, our team went 2-7, but we played some tough competition and we’re a very young team. We definitely improved from last year. Personally I threw 16 TDs and ran for 3 more, but most importantly my biggest improvement was my leadership skills over the course of the season. What does football mean to you? I’ve been playing tackle football since 1st grade and the biggest thing for me is the team surrounding it. I have been blessed to play with some great athletes all my years and the biggest thing is the relationships I have with all the players still. In the lows and the highs, the team grows and becomes a family, that’s what I love about football.
What should college coaches know about you? I take pride in being a great leader and very hard worker. Also my ability to process new information. I have had 3 different head coaches my freshman through junior year, each with a different playbook that I knew perfectly. I take pride in my teammates in making them better on and off of the field. What do you like about playing QB? I love the responsibility that comes with playing QB. The ability to put guys in a position to be successful once they get the ball in their hands. And of course like any QB I like slinging the ball around the field. What goals do you have for yourself this upcoming season? My personal goals are to throw for 2500 yards, rush for 500 yards, throw less than 5 INT and have 65% completions. If I can do that then the TD's will come, and our team can reach our goal of making the playoffs.
Who on Aurora Central Catholic is ready for a breakout season?
I think I am going to have a big year, but also Zach Dineen (OL/DL), Connor Hickey (WR/DB). Jack Loria (WR/DB) and Isaac Michels (LB).
What game are you most excited for this upcoming season? We travel up to Assumption HS in Wisconsin for our Week 7 game. They were 10-2 last year. I think we can have a pretty good record going into that game. If we could win that one it could be huge for us.
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