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Meet One Of The Most Under-Recruited Senior Players In Illinois Joliet Catholic's Vinny Iannantone

So, in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell

Vinny Iannantone Joliet Catholic RB Class of 2022 6'0 205

Vinny Iannantone how was your season? Season was pretty much almost what you can call perfect. We went 14-0 and won state championship number 15. It was a great experience I’ll cherish forever with my brothers for life. I think I also had a big year that I’m proud of. It was nice to finally play a full season, this last spring I only played 3 of the 6 games because of an injury so it was nice to finally go out there and do what I do full speed! What schools have you been talking to so far? On a consistent basis none really right now. I’ve heard from a few schools at every level and I also have heard that a lot of schools at each level are very interested in me. I know the process demands a lot of patience so I know something will come soon!! What does football mean to you? It’s cliche but it means everything to me. It’s been my whole life. I started playing when I was 7 and loved it ever since. I grew up playing with my older brother and his friends in our front yard. It’s been apart of me my whole life. It’s pretty much been my whole life. It’s my escape from the real world. There’s nothing like being out there between the lines getting after it! What should college coaches know about you? I want coaches to know that if you take a chance on me you won’t regret it. I always go 100% whether it’s in the weight room classroom or the field. I will do whatever it takes to help the team win as well whether it’s to block, run, throw, or catch a pass or even tackle someone. I won’t be out worked and I won’t be beaten especially on the field. What do you feel is your strongest trait on the football field? My physicality and balance, I’m not afraid to hit someone no matter the size. There’s nothing better than running someone over or blocking down on someone and laying them out. I also believe with that and my balance I don’t go down easy, so it helps me gain extra yards especially after contact and helps me with breaking tackles.

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting

But About The Love Of The Game Of IHSA Football



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