Meet Montini QB Gaetano Carbonara Class Of 2025

So, in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know, but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. This is one of the many reasons why Deep Dish Football is respected in the IHSA. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell
Gaetano Carbonara Montini QB Class of 2025 5'11 179

Gaetano Carbonara how was your freshman season? Coach, my freshman year was great! I met a lot of great friends because of this great sport, and I have learned a lot about the game of football and life. My coach, Coach Vos, treated us like his own and really helped us progress as a team. I played 3 games at the end of the year due to a minor setback at the beginning of the season. We all did great! I had 6 touchdowns with just above 400 yards in the air against Marist, Nazareth, and JCA! It was great first high school experience, and I can’t wait for the next 3! What does football mean to you? Football to me is something that is much more than the game itself. It’s a sport that teaches us life lessons that we can’t grasp in the real world. We learn things that we will cherish and hold onto our whole lives. As kids we find our greatest of friends playing this sport. It helps turn us into young men. This is what the game of football means to me.
What Pro or College QB has been a role model to you?
Two pro QBs that have been role models to me when it comes to being able to play the game with excellence is Tom Brady and Aaron Rodgers. They are the reason I love football. I watch them play a lot and study what they look for when on the field. Another pro that I look up to is Drew Brees and a college QB is Aidan O’Connell from Purdue. The way they treat their teammates and themselves is the exact way I try to treat my teammates and myself. I look up to how humble they are and how calm they are in situations.
What should college coaches know about you?
I believe that they should know how much of a leader I am and how dedicated I am. I will do whatever it takes to execute an offense perfectly and be able to win games for him. I will push my teammates to the limits on the field to be great and in the classroom to be great so they can be able to be great on the field. I push for greatness in myself and everyone around me so we can experience great moments on and off the field together.
What goals do you have for yourself this upcoming season?
My goal for the upcoming season is for my team to be better than we could ever imagine and win a state championship after a disappointing season for the varsity. I believe that I now play a role on this varsity team behind Cole, and I want to contribute in a big way. I also want my sophomore team to have a great year and end with excellence.
What part of your game have you been working on in the offseason? That part of my game that I have been working on the most is the mental part of the game, throwing on the run, and throwing to spots. I have been working very hard when it comes to being able to read the defense and dissect them pre and post snap. I have also been working very hard at throw it deep and with my teammates on our own trying to get better.

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