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Meet Grayslake Central Athlete Kurt Heerdegen Class Of 2022 - Name You Must Know

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell

Kurt Heerdegen Grayslake Central ATH 6'4 215 Class of 2022

Kurt Heerdegen how was your 2019 season? I would say from a team stand point, not what we had hoped. We had a 1-8 record but we had a very young and inexperienced team. I would say half of our starting lineup was made up of sophomores. We ended our season strong though in close contests with North Chicago and Grayslake North. From an individual standpoint though, I thought I had a pretty good year. I played Tight end, H-Back, and some wide receiver. I caught 17 balls for around 260 yards. I was mostly utilized as a blocking tight end in my teams offense, as we were pretty reliant on our run game. I was awarded with a team Offensive Player of the Year award and First team All-Conference honors. So all in all, not the season I was hoping for, but a decent season for me individually nonetheless. We still have a lot of room to grow and a lot to improve on as a team and I’m really excited about the future. What should college coaches know about you? I think the biggest thing college coaches should know about me is that I’m coachable. I’m a very hard working kid and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to help my team win. My coach told me if I wanted to play in college, I’d have to gain weight, so that’s just what I did. I went from 6’3 185 lbs to 6’3.5 215 lbs. I grew a good amount. But they also should know that I’m incredibly versatile. I can play tight end, H-back, wide receiver, and outside linebacker. I run routes like a wide receiver but I can make hard contested catches and be a mismatch for pretty much anybody. I’m faster than most linebackers and bigger than most Defensive backs. All in all, the biggest things our my work ethic, my coach ability, and my versatility. What part of your game have you been working on in the offseason? I’ve really been focusing on every aspect of my game. My blocking, route running, speed, strength, and hands are the biggest things. I just was focused on improving in every aspect of not just being a dynamic football player, but as a versatile and rare athlete. What does football mean to you? It means just about everything to me. Besides God and my family, it’s the thing I value and love the most in life. I’ve lived the game since I was a little kid. I love sports in general. I’ve played many, including Basketball, Lacrosse, Baseball, and Volleyball. But Football was always my favorite. I just love the game. What does Grayslake Central need to do to have a upcoming successful season? We just have to work hard and prepare to the best of our ability. Plain and simple. Michael Maloney, along with the rest of our coaching staff, have really been pushing the theme of brotherhood, accountability, and hard work. As a team, we need to make sure we are all preparing, whether it’s getting in the weight room or getting on the field to throw the ball. Our coaches got a plan, and we’re gonna prepare to execute. I’m excited about next season and all the guys that are going to have to step up to turn around the culture and have success. It’s going to be hard, but man it’s going to be a whole lot of fun.

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of IHSA Football



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