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Introducing Geneva Athlete Michael Rumoro Class Of 2025

So, in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know, but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. This is one of the many reasons why Deep Dish Football is respected in the IHSA. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell

Michael Rumoro Geneva Athlete Class Of 2024 5'9 175

Miichael Rumoro how was your sophomore season? My season went pretty well. In the beginning I suffered from injury called patellar tenonitis. It caused me to miss one game, but after that I bounced back and had a great season. We as a team ended with an above winning record. What does football mean to you? Football means a lot to me. It has prepared me for adversity in life, and I feel out all sports I have played it has had the biggest impact on me and has molded me into the person I am today. What should college coaches know about you? They should know that I love competition and when I stride for a goal I will work extremely hard to achieve it. What do you feel is your strongest trait on the football field? My strongest trait on the football field is my vision and ability to cut through holes quickly. What part of your game have you been working on in the offseason? I have been working at becoming better at coming out of the backfield for passes and being able line up at wide receiver. Along with getting bigger and stronger.

How is baseball season going for you so far? It’s going really well I’m playing center field and I’m hitting around 500 right now. We haven’t been able to play a lot of games because of weather, but we are playing well.

What goals do you have for yourself this upcoming season in the fall? My goals are to have a very successful season wherever I am needed to play and to become a standout player.

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting

But About The Love Of The Game Of IHSA Football



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