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Deep Dish Football GOTW Player Spotlight: Chatting With Morris Senior Athlete Luke Brown

So, in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know, but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. This is one of the many reasons why Deep Dish Football is respected in the IHSA. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell

Luke Brown Morris Athlete Class of 2023 5'10 185

Luke Brown how was your first two weeks back on the field? Honestly, they were great! Nothing better than getting back under those Friday Night Lights. I felt that as a team we prepared for our opponents very well. Constant film study and work put in on and off the field to reach victorious. What does football mean to you? To me, football is my life. Since I was real young, I played flag football then once i got to junior high i shifted over to tackle football. I’ve realized that it brings a lot of life lessons and ways to handle adversity. A major factor it has also taught me is family. Football is a brotherhood and to be able to go out and battle each week with my brothers is something special. Football is my family, it’s what shapes me into who i am. How good can this Morris squad be?

We have great talent across the board. At the end of the day, it starts with our defense. We are a hard-nosed and aggressive team. We are not afraid to pop our pads. Then our offense. I say we arguably have the biggest O-lines in the state. Our skilled players run hard and are always making plays. Carter Button, the QB and field general, has great vision and is an outstanding player. I’m excited for what this team has to offer in the next coming weeks. Teams should be scared. They better be ready for the Morris Redskins. What do you see in the Kaneland squad for Friday night? Well, we know that Kaneland is a good program. They have some good athletes, and we have to take care of business. Both sides of the ball have to do their job and play fundamentally sound football. From when we played them last year it was a dogfight. We went up to their field and it was a night to remember. We ended up breaking our school rushing record and putting up lots of points on the board. This is our first conference game of the season and being in this conference it is a challenge. We just have to lock in, get prepared, and be ready. Who on Morris is ready for a breakout season? To be honest I feel like as a whole we’re all athletes. We are all some dawgs. Guys like Sam Reddinger, AJ Zweeres, Carter Button, Ashton Yard, Broc Grogan, Justin Hemmersbach, myself, and many others who are all very talented players. They know the game very well and we are all extremely competitive. When everything is piecing together, we are scary. What should incoming Morris players for the future know about Morris football? Incoming Morris players need to realize the culture of our program. This brotherhood is a tradition that goes on for over a century. People in Grundy County know that Morris Redskin Football is something that is extremely important not only to the players but to the fans and families that had players go through the program years ago. The pride Morris has for football is something special that no other town really has. Redskin Pride Never Dies!

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting

But About The Love Of The Game Of IHSA Football



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