Conversation With Morton Star Big Man Santos Trujillo Class Of 2023 - Top Recruit In Illinois

So, in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know, but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. This is one of the many reasons why Deep Dish Football is respected in the IHSA. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell
Santos Trujillo Morton DT/OL Class Of 2023 6'2 313

Santos Trujillo how was your senior season?
My senior year was great. I went all out, and it showed. After every game my body was sore and hurting because every play and every second, I gave it my all. I managed to lose more than 35 pounds in the off season to be able to play both right tackle and nose tackle. I went from 352 pounds from the end of my junior season to 319lb in the beginning of my senior season. Now I’m 307lb. This season I showed that I could play with anyone and anywhere. I played against some good players this year that helped me improve my technique and aggressiveness to continue dominating in the trenches. This year I also managed to put some of my worth ethic and discipline onto some of the younger guys to help them next year to help the team.
What has been your favorite memory of the season?
My favorite memory was having a lot of Morton football players working out during the offseason and summer to be ready for the 2022 season. Even though we didn’t win as many games as we had wished for, when we played good teams, we were able to play with them and we didn’t quit and kept battling until the game clock hit zero.
What do you feel is your strongest trait on the football field?
I would have to say my perseverance is my strongest trait on the field. I’m the guy that no matter what goes wrong, I always must finish the play. If I know I'm not going to get a sack, I'm going to do my best to pressure the quarterback; if I know I'm not going to get a pancake, I'm going to make sure I create a big hole for my running back to run through.
What schools have you been talking to so far?
I’ve been talking to a few colleges like St Xavier University, St. Ambrose University, Elmhurst University, Aurora University, North Central college, Ripon College, Rockford University, Knox College, Lane College, and Aces Elite Junior College. I even got The University of Stirling, a UK college, trying to recruit me for American football. While writing this I only have 4 offers and those are St. Ambrose University, Ripon College ,Elmhurst University, and Aces Elite Junior College. I have a 3.8 GPA and a clean record with all A’s and B’s on my transcript with only 1 C, so I won't have any trouble being admitted to almost any college.
What do you like about playing in the trenches?
What I like about playing in the trenches is dictating the game. Linemen don’t get as much credit as they deserve, but it’s because of us that our running backs have holes to run through or why our linebacker can get a sack because you’re being double teamed, and he got through untouched. That’s the main reason why I like playing in the trenches.
What should college coaches know about you?
I am an all-around great student-athlete. Off the field, I am a great student currently with a 3.83 GPA. I respect all my teachers, and I can get along with them. None of them will truly have anything negative to say about me. I am also a great football player. I've been playing for 6 years. I have been a starter for all for 6 years. I am dedicated, passionate, and consistent with football and my education.
What part of your game do you plan on working on in the offseason?
I want to get back down to 270lb-285lb. Freshman year I was super-fast for my size, and I was 5’11 278lb. I also want to work on my speed and strength, Morton offers athletic PE for athletes, and we lift, and we do speed and agility training, so this is where most of my offseason will happen. I also plan on doing some conditioning and lifting when I don’t have school. This will happen with the help of some of my cousins who played college football. I will also be joining track and field as a thrower. I will lift a lot there too so hopefully when I am in college I can move guys twice my size with ease.
Who had a breakout season on Morton this season?
This is a hard one to decide on. Everyone at Morton improved weekly since the off season to the regular season, but I would have to give this one to our QB Julian Hernandez. I’ve been playing with him since freshman year and this kid went from a backup QB for the freshman B team to becoming the varsity starting quarterback. From my knowledge, Julian has attended every off-season lift and practice. He has also never missed a summer camp and regular season practice; he always arrived early, was respectful to everyone, was a hard worker, and a good leader. Julian has worked hard nonstop these last 4 years and he deserved this opportunity. I wish him well in his future because he does have a bright future.
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