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Nate Hernandez how was your junior season?
Really good coach, even though I had to sit behind 3 seniors and one going to University of Illinois. I was still able to get a decent amount of playing time, started a few games and even won state this year.
What schools have you talked to so far?
Yale, Navy, Dartmouth, Sioux falls, SMSU, Drake… and a few more but those are showing the most interest. Especially Drake and Yale
What should college coaches know about you?
That I'm committed, whatever program is willing to take a chance on me I can promise they will not be disappointed. More than willing to fill whatever role my team needs even if it means not necessarily on the filled. Don’t get it twisted though because nothing going to ever stop me from playing in the first place. Plus, they don’t have to worry about me academically. I have a 4.51 GPA and I'm currently in all honors/AP courses and in NHS.
What does football mean to you?
Everything… more than just a game but a way to provide for my family and especially my mother… a way to ensure I can go to college for free and even find a way to pay her back and provide for my family the way they always have for me.
What do you feel is your strongest trait on the football field?
My aggressive nature and willingness to throw my body to make the play… even if someone is bigger than me.
What excited you most about this upcoming season?
The fact that we have a talented team, and that it's my senior year, and we’re on a mission to win back-to-back.
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