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Conversation With Deerfield Athlete Vincent Sciarrone Class Of 2023

So, in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know, but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. This is one of the many reasons why Deep Dish Football is respected in the IHSA. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell

Vincent Sciarrone Deerfield Athlete Class of 2023 5'10 180

Vincent Sciarrone how was your junior season? My junior year season was good it was different coming directly out my sophomore season since that was played in the spring, I didn't have much time to get stronger and faster and better at my craft during the off-season, but I gave it my everything on defense and dominated at my position every play. Stats wise I averaged 11 tackles and 1 sack per game and accumulated 118 tackles and 12 sacks in 11 games What does football mean to you? Football to me is more than just a game we play on Friday nights. Growing up my older brother was always playing football and was always at the gym and I grew up wanting to be like him. It kept me goal oriented and taught me good work ethic. You can't cheat the game. if you don't put in the work for what you want in football you won't be successful, I can transfer this mindset to school and anything I do in my life. What should college coaches know about you? To the coaches that see this they should know i am very driven to achieve success. I won't let the opposite team ever get in my way to be great. I stay humble and smart about my decisions in life for what's best for my future. I won't ever lose in what I'm working for. I'm currently in an upwards trend with school since the ‘pandemic’ years of schooling was challenging for me. What schools have you talked to so far? I've talked to the University of Montana, and Murray State, Minnesota State-Moorhead. I'm just getting my name out there in the recruiting process no school has yet to offer me I know that I'm under the radar right now. What do you feel is your strongest trait on the football field? My strongest trait for sure is the drive in me. When I'm playing, I am the most violent (driven) player. When I'm gassing out in the fourth quarter, and I know that i need to continue to play at full speed something clicks in my body and mind, and I just do it. I see many players and teammates that just don't have the drive like I do. Thats how I was able to achieve such high stats my junior season. What goals do you have for yourself this season? This season my senior year I'm aiming for 180 tackles on defense which is the current record at Deerfield and I'm looking forward to starting at running back and seeing how much all this work I'm putting in is going to pay off. It's my last season so I will be giving it everything I have every play of every game and every rep in practice.

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting

But About The Love Of The Game Of IHSA Football



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