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Coach Big Pete's 2022 Classes 1A-8A IHSA Playoff Talk - IHSA Releases Playoff Pairings Reaction

It begins #IHSA Football Family... The quest for glory as all 8 classes fighting for one spot and to be in the IHSA history books. Again, we had normal regular season, but there is something about this year's playoffs that could be just like 2021. Also, again coaches if you use me as bulletin board material, I would like a cut of your paycheck for the help. LOL!!!! Again, there is a reason we play the game!!! On the bottom have two videos 1-4 A and 5-8A. Let's first show the pairings below and will provide a Darkhorses, Favorites, ETC....


IHSA Class 1A Playoff - Coach Big Pete's Take - Lena Winslow's Championship Game to lose. Very top-heavy bracket and do not sleep on Chicago Hope Academy because they are on fire this season. South Bracket is going to be anybody's guess to be honest.

Favorite- Lena Winslow & Ridgeview Lexington

Darkhorses- Camp Point Central & Sesser Valier

Watch Out For- St. Bede, Marquette, Chicago Hope Academy

IHSA Class 2A Playoff - Coach Big Pete's Take - Maroa Forsyth and St. Teresa are the favorites. But Wilmington, Johnston City could ruin those chances. Much better playoff than 1A and much more of a challenge that 1A as well. Again, I'm keeping a close eye on those Black Diamond teams these playoffs.

Favorite- Maroa Forsyth vs St. Teresa Championship Game

Darkhorses- Carmi-White & Shelbyville

Watch Out For - Johnston City & Wilmington

IHSA Class 3A Playoff - Coach Big Pete's Take - ICCP is by far the more talented team in this Class. BUT not so fast on crowning them.... Reed Custer, Stillman Valley, Seneca, Eureka, Prairie Central, Byron want an upset. Eureka & Seneca have been the pleasant surprises in this class.

Favorite - ICCP

Darkhorses - Eureka, Genoa-Kingston, Du-Pec

Watch Out For- Reed Custer, Prairie Central, Bryon, Stillman Valley, Mt. Carmel

Big Question: Can we get a Southern Illinois team in the state final for 3A?

IHSA Class 4A Playoff - Coach Big Pete's Take - This Class is not fair and going to featuring a lot of compelling games. Along with the Leonards, we got a stacked St. Francis, and a Richmond Burton team that is taking teams to the woodshed. Oh, and don't forget Providence Catholic, Joliet Catholic, Wheaton Academy, and Carterville. North Division is going to be a pain meanwhile the south division the Leonards are licking their chops.

Favorites: SHG vs Richmond Burton Title Game

Darkhorses: Wheaton Academy, Providence Catholic, Geneseo

Teams You Need To Watch: Carterville, St. Francis

IHSA Class 5A Playoff - Coach Big Pete's Take - Very tough to see but Morgan Park has one hell of a shot at the title. Mahomet Seymour to me could be good for one huge run towards a title. Sycamore has proven they belong, but do they have the skill players. Glenbard South could emerge, but they got a horrible pairing in with the first round against Nazareth. Peoria is another contender if they can get their defense down. What Kankakee are we going to get?

Favorites: NOBODY

Darkhorses: Nazareth, Carmel, Mt. Vernon

Teams You Need To Watch: Mahomet Seymour, Morgan Park, Morris, Sycamore

Prairie Ridge and St. Ignatius will be those pain in the ass teams for defenses in this 6A pairing. East St. Louis is the favorite, but they have questions. Simeon & Lemont both have proven they are the cream of the crop in this class. Normal West defense is challenging and could be a huge strength in dynamic offensive class. Main the question what team we are going to get with Belvidere North, Kaneland, and Niles Notre Dame in the playoffs. Crete-Monee could give Simeon a run for its money with its defense.

Favorite: East St. Louis

Darkhorses: Normal West & Crete Monee

Teams You Must See: Simeon, Lemon, Glenwood

Caravan, Caravan, Caravan...... Mount Carmel is that damn good this season and have clear shot for championship. The only teams I see playing spoiler could be St. Rita, St. Charles North, Batavia, Hersey, Pekin, Lake Zurich, Wheaton North. Prospect, Pekin, Jacobs are only good as there passing attack can take them. Brother Rice, Geneva, Collinsville need a spark to go far.

Favorite: Mount Carmel

Darkhorses: Batavia & St. Charles North

Great Stories: Argo, DGN, Geneva

Lincoln Way East could be the favorite but still have questions that need to be answered. York needs to win a playoff game first. Plainfield North is the more stable team in 8A, but can they challenge Loyola? Loyola Academy is that good but still have questions as well.

Favorite: Loyola Academy vs Lincoln Way East (VERY SLIM)

Darkhorse: South Elgin

Teams To Watch: Naperville North, Plainfield North, Warren Township

Coach Big Pete's Pick from Preseason: Warren Township (I'll eat crow if I'm wrong)

Coach Big Pete's Reactions To 2022 Class 1A-4A IHSA Playoff Talk


Coach Big Pete's Reactions To 2022 Class 5A-8A IHSA Playoff Talk


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