Class Of 2025, Woodstock High School - Everett Flannery, OL/DL 6'3" 280lbs

By: Jenny
Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell
Everett Flannery, Woodstock High School, OL/DL
Class Of 2025 6'3" 280 lbs 3.3GPA
Jersey #: 70 // Positions: Guard and Nose Tackle // Height & Weight: 6’3” 285 // 40 Yard Dash: 4.97 // Shuttle: 4.7 // Vertical: 22// Bench: 335lbs // 245lb Bench Press (Reps): 10 // Squat (lbs): 535lbs // Deadlift (lbs):550 lbs// Clean (lbs): 275 lbs
Everett, how was your junior season?
It went really good, I was primarily used as an Offensive Left tackle and improved my run and pass game a lot. Also our team was suppose to win 1 game but we overcame the papers and won our last 3 of 4.
How is your off-season training going?
It’s going great!! I’ve been training with Coach Sabo from Fist Football academy and training/ lifting like an athlete becoming more explosive and quick.
You are a dual-sport athlete playing baseball as well. How do you balance both and your academic commitment? How are your grades this year?
Yes I am, I do wrestling during the winter and baseball during the spring and summer. My grades are my main priority when it comes down to it. My grades are solid, I'm currently holding a 3.3 GPA in Honor level classes.
Do you plan to attend any camps this summer?
Yes, I currently am attending the Lindenwood Mega camp, The Line Showcase and the Eastern Illinois Prospect camps.
Are you talking to any coaches right now or have any visits planned?
I’ve been invited to some junior days and spring camps such as Trine, Ball state, DePauw, Tiffin, St. Norbert, Augustana, and Upper Iowa.
What is your strongest trait on the field?
I am very competitive, I love winning and I’m also a leader on the field for my other teammates.
What are you working to improve on?
Staying low off the snap. I’m very explosive just need to work on staying low and driving through opponents.
Who has been your biggest influence in football?
My head Coach, Coach Brasile, He’s been there for me since my freshman year and has made me the football player and man I am today.
What is one thing you would want college coaches to know about you?
That I want to become the best player possible and I am willing to do whatever it takes to help the team win.
Last question-If there is one player on your team that you would say this is going to be his year, who would that be?
My upcoming teammate for next year, Gabe Huggins. He’s been working his tail off with me this offseason. I started giving him rides to the gym and the football field to get ready for next fall. I also feel like I’m going to stand out way more than I did as a junior because I joined wrestling to get better at lineman and going to the gym everyday to get bigger and stronger.
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