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Class Of 2025, Taft High School - Asanie McIntosh, WR/CB/FS 6'2" 180lbs

By: Jenny

Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell

Asanie McIntosh, Taft High School, WR/CB/FS

Class Of 2025 6'2" 180 lbs 3.6GPA

Jersey #: 16 // Positions: WR/CB/FS // Height & Weight: 6’2” 180lbs // Bench: 220lbs // Bench Press (Reps): 3 // Squat (lbs): 340lbs // Deadlift (lbs): 400lbs// Clean (lbs): 185lbs


Asanie, how was your junior season?

My junior season did not go as well as I had hoped it would, however I had a lot of growth.



What does your off season training look like?

My off-season training consists of a variety of carefully planned out weight room sessions, as well as speed work outs and competitions.


What are your goals for the off season?

My goals for this off-season were to increase my bench press from 175lbs to 205lbs, my squat from 285lbs to 315lbs, my deadlift from 360lbs to 390lbs, stay focused in school and improve my overall play style and grow as much as I possibly can before this upcoming season.


What does football mean to you?

I started football as a sophomore in high school, I have played only two full seasons. For me, football is not just a sport or just a game, I’ve honestly felt a strong connection to football ever since I learned of it, once I’m sure about what I want to do I make it happen and seeing as though football is what I want to make a career out of, I’ve put in the work to become the player I am right now and continue to keep working on improving myself not only physically but mentally as well.

How did school go for you this year as far as your grades?

School went better for me this year than the last, despite the ups and downs I’ve faced in learning new material. Subjects that I was weak at in the past have now become my strongest.

How is Taft looking for next season?


Our team here at Taft have developed closer bonds and there are multiple people working their hardest to make their goals a reality, we have there are multiple guys who understand what’s at stake and what they need to do to achieve their goals. To me, Taft looks really good and I believe we’ll all have a good season.

What do you want college coaches to know about you?

I am coachable and I learn from my mistakes quickly, I have good work ethic and am never satisfied until I have achieved my goals, I am willing to work my hardest and compete to be the best version of myself that I possibly can.


Do you plan to attend any camps this summer?

Yes, I am. I plan to attend a couple mega camps as well as smaller camps hosted closer to my area.

Last question-If there is one player on your team that you would say this is going to be his year, who would that be?

Jaiden Salmeron, there are a lot of good players that I can think of and know are still improving, however, Jaiden has been in my position and having worked with him to get to this point, I have seen how much he has grown as a player.

Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting

But About The Love Of The Game Of IHSA Football



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