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Chatting With McHenry QB Dominick Caruso Class Of 2023

So, in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell

Dom Caruso McHenry Class of 2023 QB 5'11 180

Dominick Caruso, how was your junior season?

I personally thought my junior season was very successful. As a JV team we went 6-3. The losses we had were close but should’ve been wins. We gelled very well together and knew that we all had the common goal; to win and to perform on a high level where we might get a chance to have playing time on varsity. I did get some varsity time during the end of most games, but in the final game of the season I was able to start for the first couple drives. As a team Varsity and JV, we became a family and learned a lot. After reflecting on the season there is a lot to learn from, but also a lot to grow off of.

What does football mean to you?

Football brings life into me. Anytime I am able to pick up a football and throw it I will. Football means so much to me because I have the opportunity to play the best sport ever while building lifelong relationships with other people. Football is like no other sport. Football brings schools and communities together. Everyone wants to go watch a Friday Night Lights game. My favorite thing about football is the challenge it brings in every aspect. It makes me understand to become a part of something bigger than myself.

What was your favorite memory from last season?

My favorite memory from last season was when we beat Huntley's JV team twice. One game was at Huntley and one game was at home. This was my favorite memory because the seniors got a chance to beat one of the powerhouses in the FVC. Huntley has always been a challenge and it feels good to beat a good program.

What do you feel is your strongest trait on the football field?

My strongest trait on the football field is my arm and ability to read the field. My arm is very strong and accurate (especially on the long ball). My ability to read the field helps my arm be so great because it gives me a pre-snap read of where the ball should go. I also think a trait of mine is showing resilience. This helps me as a leader to bounce back after something bad happens in a game. Another strength of mine is knowing the whole playbook. When someone is not in the right position or forgets the play, I am able to guide them to where they need to be.

What part of your game do you plan on working on in the offseason?

I am planning to work on my speed and to get the ball out on time. I think if I work on my speed, it will help me to be able to escape the pocket when needed and to be able to pick up yardage. Getting the ball out on time will allow my receivers to make more plays in space and if it is out on time the defense has to react off the throw instead of my eyes.

What would you like college coaches to know about you?

I want the college coaches to know that I am a really hard worker and a very good leader. I am a hard worker whether it comes to the classroom, the weight room, the football field, or helping out around the house. In the places where I am a hard worker is also where my leadership skills come out. I put the two together because they are the best two anyone could be. With leadership comes responsibility and integrity. I love to lead my teammates or peers to the best of my ability for them to get to the best version of themselves. I am also a very good listener. I will listen to what my coach has to say and do exactly what they tell me with my full attention.

What goals do you have for yourself this upcoming season?

My goals for this season are to help lead the team to a positive record. I want to create a winning culture at McHenry. I want to have a positive TD/INT ratio. 1,200+ passing yards. I would love to contribute to at least 3TDs a game, I think that will help my team as we are going to be a good defensive team.

How does McHenry look for the upcoming season?

McHenry will make the playoffs this year. We will have tons of upperclassmen and mainly seniors. A lot of us seniors have grown up playing football together our whole life, so we have the brotherhood. Even though we might not be the biggest and fastest team, we are hard workers and will never give up. All of us have been working hard this offseason whether it is playing other sports or lifting. The upcoming seniors know that this could be their last year of football ever, so they are putting everything on the line, while knowing that the underclassmen have the same goal as us; to make the playoffs.

What do you like about playing QB?

The main reason I chose to play QB is because I love the challenge of it. As a QB you have to deal with tons of pressure. The pressure could go from anything in football to a math test I have 7th period. I have to be able to focus on being a QB and a student athlete all the time. I love the pressure in the 4th quarter where you either have to hold the ball or have to go down the field and get a field goal or TD.

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting

But About The Love Of The Game Of IHSA Football




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