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Chatting With Marengo Athlete Joseph Leibrandt Class Of 2023

So, in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know, but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. This is one of the many reasons why Deep Dish Football is respected in the IHSA. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell

Joseph Leibrandt Marengo Athlete Class of 2023 5'8 185

Joseph Leibrandt how was your junior season? My junior season was a year of constant improvement. In terms of attitude and buying into the culture it was huge a turning point for me and it showed. I got hit a bit by the injury bug in the middle of the year, but I came back stronger than ever. Now I’m looking to build on the foundation and to find my edge every day. As a team, we found success going as far as competing against Richmond Burton and Rochelle for the conference title but ultimately falling just short. I could not have been prouder of the team and how we competed until the very last whistle. What does football mean to you? Besides God and my family, football is everything to me. The lessons I have been taught from my coaches and from the game itself have shaped me into the person that I am today. Not only that, but football has always been a constant force in my life, this will be my 11th year of playing tackle football and 13th year overall in which I have made most of my closest friends. I breathe the game and I love every moment of it. Right now, in the off-season, whenever I have free time, I’ll be watching film or the USFL to just have more football in my life. Football to me has always been my escape from anything that may not be going right, and I am able to just put my head down into it and grind. What should college coaches know about you? College coaches should know that I am coachable with a team over me mindset. I won't be a problem in the classroom as being a student athlete means being a student and an athlete not just one or the other. Coaches should also know I will always be competing, whether that is in warmups in the middle of Illinois winter or in October under the lights. We have a running joke as a team right now that I’m always going 110% and in all honesty I am. Competitive people don’t have a switch they can just turn on and off, it’s always there or never there at all. The final thing coaches should know about me is that I will give you my 100% effort, you will not see me take a playoff no matter if we are up by 50 or down 50 you will see my best. What do you feel is your strongest trait on the football field? My strongest trait on the field is my high motor. I am able to use this to my advantage as when guys are taking plays off, I am able to exploit their careless mistakes. The energy I play with is always my 100% and I will go all out. How does Marengo look for the upcoming season? As a team we look great, you have so many guys putting the work in to better themselves and the team from the freshman to senior levels. This year's team knows the talent that just left the room and the shoes that have to be filled, and they are embracing that challenge. You see in every position group guy getting better each and every single day whether it is big or small things. The talent and potential we have as a team is enormous, with guys such as Josh Holst - the biggest sleeper quarterback in the Midwest and a guy that can just make plays out of nothing, Hunter Smith an anchor of our defense this year that has been going insane in the weight room, and Logan Miller if you throw him the ball, he will get it for you. The upcoming junior class is also bringing ton of talent that has already saw varsity time in guys like Rune Boyd, Issaac Anthony, Maverick Quatroke. Evan Maniates and Ryley Adamson. The future for Marengo Football is bright, it’s now just up to us to build on the foundation that previous teams have made for us.

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting

But About The Love Of The Game Of IHSA Football



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