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Chatting With Glenbrook North QB Dylan Buckner Class Of 2021

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell

Dylan Buckner Glenbrook North QB Class of 2021 5'11 170

Dylan Buckner how was your 2019 season? My 2019 season was solid it was a big challenge for myself and the rest of the team moving from the CSL North to the CSL South but I think the team handled it pretty well and are looking forward to improving this year. For me personally I had to put a lot more work in the film room as CSL South defenses were more complex than I had seen as a sophomore in the North. Thankfully I had a great coaching staff that made analyzing and breaking down film easy and fun What does football mean to you? Football to me symbolizes a place of peace. To be successful in football especially at the quarterback position your mind has to be 100% focused. Therefore football is a great place to de stress and have fun What should college coaches know about you? They should know that I’m a competitor and a smart player. I pride myself on spending time in the film room analyzing defenses so that I’m as prepared as I can be when I step on the field What do you like about playing QB? You are in control of the offense. You need to know what to do from all 11 positions every play. You also need to bring a sense of confidence into the huddle every play What do you feel is your strongest trait on the football field? Definitely my mental game. I feel like I’m always a step ahead on the football field and this gives me the confidence to play my best How does Glenbrook North look for the upcoming season? I think we look good. We have a lot of returners coming back which always is nice but we also have a lot of potential with some of our younger guys to step up at a lot of spots. I think in this weird year we’ve done a great job of staying solid and making the most of off-season workouts so overall I’m very excited

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