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Chatting With Althoff Catholic Running Back Malik Nave Class Of 2023

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell

Malik Nave Althoff Catholic Running Back Class of 2023 5'10 167

Malik Nave how was your season? I had a great season. I made big improvements through out the season with the help of the great coaching staff and my teammates for always pushing me everyday to get better. I still have a lot to improve on and I’m excited for what’s to come my senior season. What does football mean to you? Football to me is very special. It’s where I can let off a lot of stress and have fun all at once. The beauty of the game is what makes it so great, from the big plays to the close intense games and I’m so happy I made the decision to stick to this awesome sport. What do you feel is your strongest trait on the football field? I feel my strongest trait on the football field is my speed and decision making. (Currently)I’m not the biggest at the running back position so I feel that me making the smart cuts and knowing when to bounce out my gap for a break is what makes me very successful. And to add on to my speed I feel I’m one of the quicker players in my position and that’s what really separates me from others in my opinion. What should college coaches know about you? College coaches should know that I’m a hard working individual who loves to learn more and understand the game better. I’m very coachable and all ears when coach is explaining things to me if when I don’t understand something. And I love getting pushed beyond my limit, though it’s gonna hurt I know it comes with a great cause and help improve my performance. What was one of your favorite memories of the season? I have a lot of good memories from this season but the one I cherish the most was my breakout game against Mt. Vernon when I scored 5 touchdowns. After this game it opened another door for me and help me get way more confident in running the ball. But there’s still more to come out of me and more memories make.

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting

But About The Love Of The Game Of IHSA Football



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