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Meet Bolingbrook Defensive Back Aireus Walker Class Of 2021

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell

Aireus Walker Bolingbrook Class of 2021 DB/LB 5'10 175

Aireus Walker how was your 2019 season?

I would say my season went well for my first year playing varsity football at the db position. I made plays and contributed to winning games with my teammates.

What schools have you been talking to so far?

I’ve been talking to Augustana University, Indiana Wesleyan, Minnesota Duluth, Trinity International, Quincy University, Roosevelt University and North Park University

What should college coaches know about you?

I feel college coaches should know that i’m a very versatile player at the db position. Also I am a player whole will put every effort on the field for my teammates. I will constantly put %101 in everything!

What part of your game have you been working on in the offseason?

I have been working on my technique and my physique. Last season i was 140 5’9 this season I am 178 5’10. Ive been lifting 4 days a week and going to the field 3-4 days week.

What are your feelings about Spring IHSA Football?

To be honest I look on the bright side of it, It gives me time to keep getting better, bigger, and faster! I’m always working hard to reach my goal!

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of IHSA Football



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