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Meet Glenbard West Linebacker Pat Shadid Class Of 2022

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell

Pat Shadid Class of 2022 Glenbard West LB 6'0 165

Pat Shadid how was your 2019 season?

I would definitely say a successful one, I grew up as a person and player a lot during my sophomore season. I was a Middle Linebacker, and one of four captains on the sophomore team. We were led by head coach Shea Moroni to a 7-1-1 season, with a tough loss to Lyons Township. But one thing I like to take pride in is that we never gave up, when we got the momentum we floored the gas pedal. I personally was a good leader, I made sure my defensive guys were focused, and if they made a mistake I told them to shake it off.

How excited are you to be on the Varsity level for 2020?

I’m really excited too finally be apart of Varsity Hitter Football, I’ve been watching from the stands since I was four, seeing them win two state championships as a kid was life changing. Now that I’m on that level I realize what Hitter football is about. The team has great upcoming seniors who got there eyes on the prize to win. I’m most excited to be apart of Coach Hetlet’s Sharks (linebackers), we have a very important role in his 5-3 darkside defense, and I can’t wait to start practicing with the team after this virus settles down.

What should college coaches know about you?

They should know that I am a 3 sport athlete (Football, Wrestling and Track), and Im a good student in the classroom, I take pride on my work ethic when it comes to sports because even with this virus hindering our teams time to get ready for the season, I’m still finding way to workout to improve my speed, and strength. I’m a great leader and a coachable kid, who takes pride into what he does.

How was your wrestling season?

I had a great season, I was primarily a JV1 wrestler, but 40% of my season was spent up on varsity. I wrestled at 160 the whole season, and went undefeated on the JV level. After the season there was a big 3 tournament series (regionals, sectionals, and state) for Freshman/Sophomores to wrestle at, I made it to the state tournament, but it was canceled due to the pandemic.

Who from the Class of 2022 on GBW should I also keep an eye out for?

I would definitely keep an eye on the Thomas twins, Jason, and Justin Thomas. Also my fellow captains of the sophomore team Graham Pierce, Jackson Tamaro, and Nico D’Argento. All these guys are top notch athletes, and all have a great work ethic for football.

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of IHSA Football



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