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Coaches Twitter Q&A With Burlington Central Head Coach Byron Melvin

How long have you been coaching for?

I will be entering my 22nd year coaching IHSA football and my 5th as a Head Coach

Where have you coached?

I started my career at Elgin High School (4yrs) I had stints at St. Francis (4yrs) Bartlett (1yr), St Charles East (4yrs) East Aurora (4yrs) now entering my 5th year at Burlington Central Is that 22? LOL LOL

Why did you choose to become a football coach?

Honestly, I have never been w/o football. I had just got done playing ball & I drove my little bro

@Kvmelvin to football practice. The coach asked me if I wanted to volunteer & the next day I was coaching HS football. It kind of just happened & I am thankful for that moment

Funniest Coach you ever worked with?

I have worked with a bunch of characters in my career Bob Monken is one. However, I don’t think there is a funnier coach on this planet than Kurt Becker. I could tell stories for days.

Best advice you could give a rookie coach is?

I love this question. The best advice I could give a coach is 1. Ask your wife if she is ready for this journey. This is a full year around job now and you will miss a lot of family events. 2. embrace and know your role. 3 it’s not about you it’s about the kids. Make it fun

What key princples do you stress in your program?

Academics, Family, Community. We made a major change last year going into the Fox Valley stressing selflessness & team. Nobody is bigger than the game. Like Bo Schembecler & my college coach @CoachGalante

always said THE TEAM THE TEAM THE TEAM huge reason for our recent success

How does Burlington Central look for 2020?

Well, we are extremely excited for the upcoming season. We are projecting over 100 Players in the program. We had 65 total last year. It has taken a while to change the culture, but we have. Now kids want to be a part of it and @CHSFootball100 is ready to get started!!!!

Favorite part of coaching to you is?

That is such a loaded question. I love talking about my team anytime I can get it! I love my staff & seeing them grow. But one of my favorite aspects of coaching besides practice & Friday nights is helping these young men play college ball. It’s to be a part of the process

Who should be on the lookout for this upcoming season on the Central squad?

We are young again this year. However,

@Jakeborman74 & @MGanziano

are returning for their 3rd year on Varsity & any college would be happy to have them on their team. We have a ton of juniors who all started as sophomores last year. The present & The future is bright on The Hill

How has D3 Football shaped your life (coaching or personal)?

I can ask

@Coach_Yos or @FISTFootball they will tell you all about @football_ncc winning the natty! D3 & North Park are very special to be part of the process to me. It gave me an oppurtunity to do what I love as a career. It’s crazy how many D3 guys are coaches now. I’m proud to say I played in the CCIW

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of IHSA Football



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