Meet York's Class Of 2021 QB Max Assaad

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell
Max Assaad York QB Class of 2021 5'10 175

Max Assaad how was your 2019 season?
The season was very exciting, we definitely came out of the gates strong, and while it wasn’t the outcome we wanted or anticipated (4-5), we definitely grew as a team and we’re all looking forward to next year
What part of your game are planning to work on in the offseason?
Definitely my speed, as well as developing better route timing with my receivers.
What should college coaches know about you?
I give everything for my team. I realized this season that football is a lot more fun and more rewarding when you stop working hard for your own personal success, and work hard for your brothers. Not only does it push you to work even harder in the weight room, film room, at practice, etc., but it also causes you to have a stronger bond with your teammates. Also I am a student of the game, I love to watch film and learn about how to attack a defense.
What goal do you have for yourself next season?
To win the state championship. That’s the goal at the beginning of every season. And when it comes to personal goals, I actually don’t set those types of goals. No matter if I throw 400 yards per game at 40 TD’s, or 50 yards a game and no TD’s, I just want to do everything I can to help my team win a state championship.
Favorite route to pass to?
Posts or goal line fades. I love these routes because you have to work on them with your receivers because there really isn’t a margin for error on these routes in a game situation
Who on York is ready for a breakout season in 2020?
It really could be anybody. We have so many guys working hard in the weight room and working on their game. I predict that Aaron Berman (current JR WR), Patrick kastner (current JR RB), Josh delury (current SOPH CTR/OL), Hayden Renier (current JR CB), and Sami Ayash (current JR WR) are all ready for breakout seasons. Aaron and Sami started this year at receiver, while kastner took a good amount of reps at RB, while also starting at linebacker. Josh Delury started as the sophomore team center and had a lot of success, and Hayden took some reps at corner and played complete lockdown man on man coverage. Also JR wide out Luke Malaga. Started this year and lead the team in catches and receiving yards. This season was his breakout season and I am definitely excited for another year with him.
Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of IHSA Football