Deep Dish Football GOTW Week 4 : Woodstock North Thunder Season So Far & What You Need To Know

Woodstock North has two wins being out of state and tough loss to a super team in Antioch. The Thunder have a great shot at getting to 7-2 in my mind. Biggest challenge for them will be Richmond Burton in Week 7.
Woodstock North Players To Watch For
Colin Zinn
Dane Williams
Elijah Pena
Andrew Pena
Hans Goll
Mason Matthews
Head Coach Jeff Schroeder has coached 10 seasons for the Woodstock North Thunder and has a 48-61 Record
Started His Varsity Head Coaching Career At Westmont With A Record of 18-29
Taking Westmont to its best record in history of 7-4
Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of IHSA Football