Meet St. Francis ATH/QB Jackson Gerard Class Of 2021- Name You Need To Know

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell
Jackson Gerard St. Francis Class of 2021 QB/ATH 6'2 185

Jackson Gerard how was your 2018 season?
Personally I took 2018 as a learning experience, it was my first opportunity to truly prove myself as a Quarterback. However, the 8-1 record and touchdowns came as an awesome bonus. Working with Coach Rittenhouse and Coach Vaughn, both offensive geniuses, I was able to learn not only the position but the offense as a whole, they kinda molded me into the player I am today. But as a whole, the team had a great year, and I think we set the tone for what was to come from St. Francis in the upcoming years.
What part of your game have you been working on in the offseason?
Well recently I’ve been working with my QB coaches Jeff Christensen and Preston Earl on all things mechanics. They’ve really helped me get to throw a better ball more consistently, whether that’s by focusing on my release or my stance... other than that I’ve also been working on my speed, agility, and size because I feel being a dual threat really helps my game and my team compete to the best of our ability.
What should college coaches know about you?
I’m coachable and I want to win. I like to learn, I like to listen, and above all I like to compete. I want to be the one with the ball when we’re down by a score in the fourth, and I want to lead my team to victory, and not a lot of guys can say that and actually mean it.
Who is the funniest coach on the St. Francis staff?
I’ve got Coach McMillen. He knows when to turn it on at game time and when to mess around in the off-season, i.e coach was handing out some purple nurples post practice today.
What goal do you have for yourself this season?
My goals for myself this season include earning a spot on the varsity roster, being all conference in my position, and helping my team go undefeated in any way I can. Last year we lost in the second round of the playoffs and I know with the talent, experience, and coaching staff we have our potential is the sky, so the ultimate goal this year is to win the state championship and I know we can.
What game are you looking forward to the most this upcoming season?
Playing ICCP. Last year we lost a pretty rough game to them, this year we’re ready to prove ourselves and really show what St. Francis football is all about. I’m excited for the competition they bring to games and the challenge they present.
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