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Meet Marian Central Catholic's QB Joe Cimino Class Of 2021

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell

Joe Cimino Class of 2021 QB Marian Central Catholic 6'2 185

Joe Cimino how was your 2018 season?

My 2018 season was very a informative one as I learned about varsity level football and how much everyone relied on each other to get better. Overall even though we didn’t have the results we wanted, We learned a lot we can apply to this season.

Favorite memory of 2018?

My favorite memory of the 2018 season was the first offensive play of the Niles North game. It was my first varsity start with the Cane Crew going crazy and the overall atmosphere of George Harding Field made it such a memorable moment, one I won’t forget. What does football mean to you?

I have been playing since I was 6 and since that time I’ve made lifelong friends and grown as a person. It has taught me how to be a man with respect, how to deal with adversity and discipline. Football is such a great sport, with so many real life lessons. I really can’t imagine what my life would be like without it. What should college coaches know about you?

College coaches should know that football is my passion. I train year round and have taken this spring off from baseball so I can focus on preparing for this season. I’ve put on some size and gotten stronger since the end of last season. I am a student of the game and I’m always ready to compete!

What game are most excited about this season?

The game I’m most excited about this year is the Johnsburg game because the energy in that game was amazing. I think it will be a great game to set the tone for the season and we’re all excited to start Coach Fortin off on the right foot. What part of your game have you been trying to improve in the offseason?

I’ve been working all off season with Coach Christensen @throwitdeep . I’m working on my feet so I can place my passes in a spot where only my receivers can go and get it. Something I learned at the varsity level is everyone is much more athletic. I am also spending a lot of time in the gym getting stronger. There are a lot of big strong dudes in the ESCC! Favorite route to pass to?

I love throwing inward cutting routes like slants, digs, and posts. We’ve got some real talent at the skill positions this year with Rogers, Novakowski, Stanko, Shelton, Burda and Hopp there will be no shortage of weapons. What goal do you have for yourself this upcoming season?

My goal is to help my team to a deep playoff run. We’ve got enough talent on both sides of the ball with returners like Thiergood, Schwalbach, Gibson, Allen, Giels, Gatz, Pawlak... really too many to mention. Marian is a program with a great playoff history. Adding to that history is something I’m really focused on. Go Canes!

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of Football In The IHSA



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