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Chatting With Hinsdale Central Playmaking WR Braden Contreras Class Of 2020 About Red Devil Football

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell

Braden Contreras Class of 2020 Hinsdale Central WR 6'2 170

Braden Contreras how was your 2018 season?

It was a great experience, full of tons of fun and lessons. The most exciting year of football yet and I can’t wait to play next year. My whole team’s getting ready and working really hard this offseason!

Favorite memory of last season?

The most fun games are the rival games against LT. There are always a ton of people there and it’s the complete football environment. This year I was targeted a lot and had the best game of my junior season, it was a blast beating them and helping my team win.

What schools have you talked to ?

My coach brings in some bigger schools come to Hinsdale Central to meet me and some of the other guys on my team, but other than that I haven’t talked to much. I’ve been invited to a couple Division 2 Junior days but that’s about it. Hopefully once summer comes and the season starts I will get more attention but i’m just waiting on my time and focusing on getting better.

What would you like college coaches to know about you?

I want coaches to know i’m a leader and passionate about the game of football. I want everyone on my team to get better so we can all succeed. Especially for my senior year, I want my teammates to cherish the game and go all out so we can make memories and a run in the playoffs. I also will do anything for the game of football, it’s always on my mind and i’m constantly working multiple times a day to be the best player I can possibly be. I will give it my absolute all for any team I play for.

What part of your game have you been working on this offseason to improve yourself?

My coaches have really emphasized how important speed is in every part of football. So me and my team have been doing a lot of training to get our agility and speed at the best it can be. I also work with my quarterback, Michael Brescia a couple times a week just with different throws and routes.

What goal do you have for yourself this season?

A big goal is obviously making a deep playoff run, but a goal I have for myself is pretty much try to cherish the game. I feel like in the past I just go through the motions and take the weeks by granted. The seasons go by so fast so I want to take in my final season here so I can never forget it.

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of Football In The IHSA



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