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Meet Class Of 2021 Glenbard West's Athlete Denin Limouris - Someone You Should Know

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams

Denin Limouris Glenbard West Class of 2021 6'2 210 ATH/TE

Just Added Glenbard West's Denin Limouris Coach Big Pete's Recruit Watchlist - CLICK HERE -

Denin Limouris how was your 2018 season?

My season was a great experience being a sophomore on the varsity team. We didn’t finish where I expected us too, but we still had a very successful season where I learned a lot from my older teammates and coaches!

What does Glenbard West football mean to you?

Glenbard West football means to me tradition and brotherhood. The tradition of football at our school is so great and I love to be able to follow in the footsteps of former Hitters! I feel it is a brotherhood because in Glenbard West football everyone plays for their teammates just as like they are brothers.

What have you been working on in the offseason to improve your game?

This offseason I have really been working a lot on my speed and also lifting a lot to get stronger for next season.

What would you like college coaches to know about you?

I would like college coaches to know that I am leader, I have a great work ethic, and I am willing to buy into the right program that gives me the opportunity.

What player or players do you think helped you the most last season?

One player was Tyquan Cox, because he really taught me a lot about the offense and was just a great overall role model for me on the team. Another was Hank Knez who played next to me most of the season and really helped me improve my skills as a tight end and lineman.

What game are you most looking forward to this season?

It’s a tie between Maine South and OPRF. Both teams beat us last year and I can’t wait to get another shot at playing both teams.

Give me a young Hitter I should be on the lookout for from the Class of 2022?

There are actually two that come to mind. One is Justin Thomas who is a wide receiver with great speed and athleticism and will be a difference maker soon in our program. Another is Graham Pierce who is a very tough young linebacker who will make a great impact in the future of this program.

What goal do you have for yourself this season?

My goal for this season is definitely a state championship because I feel our team is very capable of making a big run in the playoffs!

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of Football In The IHSA



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