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Talking With Rising Sophomore Recruit Sacred Heart Griffin's Alex Sweetland About Boom Showcase

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams

Alex Sweetland Class of 2021 Sacred Heart Griffin 5'9 160 ATH/DB/RB

Alex Sweetland how was the Boom Showcase for you Sunday?

I thought there was lots of talent there, had a great time competing against very athletic kids. It was fun getting back into it and very excited to get back into the grind with my team.

How was your 2018 season?

We went 9-3 didn’t go as expected but I really enjoyed doing my part to help the team.

Favorite memory of the season?

My favorite memory was definitely playing next to my brother all year and also beating Rochester and getting coach Leonard his 375th win making him have the most wins in IHSA coaching history.

Whats it like playing with your brother?

Growing up together we had both dreamed of playing next to each other for SHG and this year we got to fulfill that dream of playing next to each other. Also playing together definitely brought us closer as brothers and a great bond. During the summer practices we would usually wake up at 5:15 a.m. practice from 5:45-8 then after practices we would always go workout together with our trainer getting ready for the season so my brother and I had really spent lots and lots of time together from June to about November and although our season ended a bit earlier than we planned it was quite the journey my brother and I went on together. Now I hope to watch him succeed in college and fulfill his dreams.

What advice has he given you that has helped?

He has told me to” stay motivated “ , “become a great team leader” , and “finish what we started” meaning make it to state.

What do you think the biggest misconception of SHG football is?

I’d say that people like to think we recruit but that’s not true. SHG has a great program and we all work hard to do our best and keep up the tradition. It’s a family!

What would you like college coaches to know about you?

I want coaches to know that if they offer me they will get 110% every second and I will do anything to help the team win and I know I have it in me to compete with anyone.

Give me a player from Central State 8 that people dont know about but should and why?

That’s tough but I would say Reese Edwards. Reese is one of the hardest working people I know not just in the field but in the weight room and just in everyday life and he is always working 100% no matter what he does.

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of Football In The IHSA



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