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Downers Grove South's DB/ATH Jaelynn Blecke Class Of 2019 Talks About Recruiting, Mustang Footba

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams

Jaelynn Blecke Class of 2019 Downers Grove South ATH 6'1 195


Jaelynn is a well rounded athlete that can be used in many ways at the college level. Great on the defensive side ball, ability to stay in front of the ball is great. Plays aggressive and can lay a hit on the ball carrier.

Jaelynn Blecke what schools have you been talking to?

I have University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign , Western Michigan , Toledo , Indiana State, South Dakota State , South Dakota , Southern Illinois Carbondale North Dakota , Ball State, Valpo, Northwest Missouri State , Northern Michigan , and Missouri Western all have been talking to me

What did you do in the offseason to help improve yourself for the upcoming season?

I have a football trainer so i go with him and other athlete do skill work , conditioning , and lifting .

Favorite memory from last season?

My favorite memory from last season was creating big team chemistry at Illinois Wesleyan .

What does DGS football mean to you?

It means a lot to me because DGS football doesn't only help you be a great athlete on the field but also help and create you to a better man off the field.

What would you like college coaches to know about you?

I would like for them to know that i am a hard worker on and off the field . I go to work through the week , i have responsibility at home like babysitting my sister or helping out around the house, i go to football training. I just do anything to make me a better Student, Brother , Son , and Athlete. I am willing to do whatever it takes to get me to the next level. I will never quit if i start something i will finish it. I have a lot good and bad going on in my life but i use it as motivation to make me a better person.

Toughest player you went up against last season?

Toughest player i played against was Cameron Mitchell from Bolingbrook!

Funniest player in the DGS lockerroom?

The funniest player lol i have to give it to Shawn Lee!

What does DGS need to do to have a winning season?

We just need some athletes to be able to play both ways.

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of Football In The IHSA



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