Talking With Alton's Star Linebacker Izeal Terrell Class Of 2019

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams.
Izeal Terrell Alton Class of 2019 Linebacker 6'3 220
Izeal Terrell is a playmaking linebacker with all the tools to be one of the best in Illinois. Again from a Alton squad that deserves more looks than they are getting. Izeal is one of the better linebackers for reading keys, great field vision.
Izeal Terrell what schools have you been talking to?
I’ve been talking to Indiana State University, Southern Illinois University of Carbondale and Illinois State University
What does the Southwestern Conference football mean to you?
To me it means we play a lot of elite football players and competitive teams. It can be a tough schedule but as a team I feel we fit in just fine.
What does Alton football mean to you?
We’re a family and in the past we have had our ups and downs but I love everyone that wants to be involved with it. We are an extremely talented team with a great atmosphere to be around. Our coaches want nothing but the best from us.
What do you want college coaches to know about you?
That I am extremely interested in any and everything they are willing to teach me to better myself. On and off the field I feel that I grasp things pretty easy but I do ask questions. I enjoy learning about the sport on top of learning about life. Also I feel that I have a lot of patience’s and have general care for the whole team.
What do you like about playing linebacker?
I like the feeling that I’m held accountable to keep everyone ready to go and in the right spot. I enjoy to yell and talk while playing and I feel at linebacker it really gives you the opportunity. I love the contact and the aggression that the position requires you to play with. There’s no better feeling then when your body is filled with adrenaline and ready to just drill someone.
Who should college coaches look at on Alton that needs to be looked at?
I feel that I play by a great player named Charles Miller he plays linebacker has a great attitude and stays up with his grades. Donovan Porter that is a excellent student and plays on our line and is a great leader for them and Juqui Womack that plays cornerback and loves to compete in everything he does, in the weight room and on the field.
Favorite memory from last season?
My favorite memory from last season was hands down our playoff game at home. It was literally a dream come true the whole community was behind us and the game was packed to the brim. It was our first second round play off game in a very long time with it only being two appearances from Alton football to be in the second round and it was a really big deal and it was a once in a lifetime experience.
Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of Football In The IHSA