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Talk with Maine West Matthew Kentgen TE Class of 2018 Talking Team, Recruiting, Season

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know, but you should respect for their roles on their respective teams.

Matthew Kentgen TE Class of 2018 6'4 210 Maine West FOLLOW ON TWITTER

Matthew Kentgen is one of the best tight ends in the state of Illinois for the Class of 2018, great hands and ability make plays make this kid special. Matthew Kentgen takes a pride in his Maine West team and their magical season run.

So Matthew Kentgen what schools have you been talking to lately?

Recently I have been talking to Butler and San Diego University both schools in which I hold offers from. Other schools I have been talking to are Drake, South East Missouri state, Dayton, Lehigh, and UMASS

6-1 Maine West you guys clinched a Playoff stop, How does your team feel about going to the playoffs?

Our team is so excited to have this opportunity! We put In so much hard work this offseason and knew that every game on our schedule was winnable and we made the most of our opportunities! We are now in a spot in which we have a chance to win conference which would be the first time 39 years! We just want to take each game one by one and hope to do some major damage in the playoffs.

Describe Coach Kradman to someone that has never met him?

Coach Kradman is a great coach! He has experience at the College and High school level which translates to how he coaches us at Maine West. He is a very passionate coach and wants what’s ever best for us players. He lives and breaths Maine West football. He made so many players buy in and the results have finally are coming!

As your Senior season winds down, What do you think you will miss most about playing for Maine West?

I’ve been playing up on varsity since a sophomore and it’s honesty been one of the greatest times of my life! What I will miss most is The school spirit for the games and the fans that show up even during our rough years. Also I’m going to miss playing for a great coaching staff. Also playing in front of my friends and family and being able to lead my guys every Friday night!

What is one thing that you would tell the younger classes about recruiting for football?

Enjoy the process it’s going to be one of the most stressful but also the most fun times of your life. Just take it slow and be respectful to all the coaches who recruit you cause it’s truly a blessing!

Do you have an idea what you want to major in school?

I’m not sure I think something in the business field but I’m still undecided

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of Football In The IHSA


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