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Deep Dish Football GOTW Walter Payton Prep 28 Lindblom Academy 24 Final Score "DEFENSE! DEFENS

IHSA Football Week 5 2017 Deep Dish Football Game of the Week Walter Payton Prep 28 Lindblom Academy 24 Final Score Player of the Game- QB Erik Hanaberg Senior Walter Payton Prep 4tds Lindblom started off strong hooking up with short passing attacks and runs up the inside carving up Payton. Payton just kept hanging in there and with Erik Hanaberg 4 tds and their defense holding up in the second half. Walter Payton Prep won the game, but Lindblom offense is scary and QB Walker along with Rutherford and Bufkin give me night terrors as a defensive coach. Huge Shout Out to that Walter Payton Defense in the Second Half One of the best games that I saw this season, sad to see that one team had to lose. Both Teams will be in the playoffs no doubt about it.


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