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Deep Dish Football Tour Stop #4 Freeport Pretzels

Its the IHSA greatest nickname the "PRETZELS", what more can you say. Well I can say a lot about this football team, and what this coaching staff is trying to do for these kids. Great group of coaches that want to have fun and be involved with teaching these young kids. Just look at their star player Dieon McShane, guy has offers buts works out like he has nothing. Kid is pure class and character and deserves more looks then he is getting.

Head Coach Wichman

Last Season - 1-8

Players to look out for:

Deion McShane ATH

Paris O'Bryant LB

Ramon Fleming OL/DL

Isaiah Walker Batkust OL/DL

Perrion Robinson ATH

Major Dedmond ATH

Matt Chavers RB/LB/ATH


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