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Future of Illinois Prep Football Matt Lemming

Interview with Matt Lemming

Future of Illinois High School Prep Football

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DDF: What made you want to get into the Illinois Prep Football Recruiting Media Circuit?

ML: Growing up I’ve always loved the game of football. About 5 years ago my uncle Tom Lemming approached me to make some recruiting calls to get kids to come to his photoshoots. From then on I slowly started to get into HS recruiting more and more watching film with him, attending camps, going to games etc… I just love it.

DDF: What do people need to know about you that they don’t know?

ML: I never had the size to play HS football (5’0″100lbs fresh yr), but loved watching/analyzing the game. I was lucky to have my uncle Tom Lemming teach me everything. My uncle, Steelers OC Todd Haley, and Georgia Tech HC Paul Johnson never played football. Having playing experience in football is big, but when you have a good mentor to teach you, it isn’t everything.

ML: Now that you are involved with recruiting, What are your feelings about it?

ML: I love it. Sure it’s a lot of work and isn’t easy getting into this business, but I’ve met a lot of great kids, coaches and parents that make it worthwhile. I also wanted to say that I love helping people. My main goal of Lemming Prep Insider is to not only report news/rankings, but to help kids, especially the underprivileged, obtain college scholarships.

DDF: What is one thing that Coaches don’t understand about the younger generation?

ML: That is a tough one. Times have changed and technology plays a huge role in HS athletics. With technology the way it is kids can sometimes post things they’ll later regret online. I’m not saying that coaches don’t understand what’s going on, but sometimes coaches do not understand the severity of the consequences that post can have on their athlete’s recruiting and I feel like it needs to be addressed more to teams that are unaware of that. That was a great question.

DDF: What is important to you in ranking a player?

ML: Their highlight tape, practice film, camp film, if I saw them at practice/game/camp, what their coach says about them (good kid, coachable, good grades/ACT etc…) are a few important factors when I rank a player. One thing I don’t do is rank specifically off offers/commitment status. I consider every kid that I find or that sends me their film on an even playing field when it comes to the rankings.

DDF: How you would describe yourself as a person?

ML: I think I’m very personable, open and analytical. I love talking football especially with new people and I love learning. I’m also not a 6’5 300lb OL so there’s no reason an athlete or anyone should be scared to approach me at a practice or camp. My goal is to help kids so please DM ME, TWEET ME OR TALK TO ME AT A CAMP. I’m here to help and I’m free!!

DDF: Last Question. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

ML: Ohh man that’s another tough one. I really just hope I can look back on the previous 10 years and be proud of myself. Whether that be looking back and being able to say I helped at least one deserving kid earn a college scholarship or just looking back and being able to say that I still love my job. That’s what I really hope for in the next 10 years.


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