Meet Seneca Athlete Brody Rademacher Class Of 2025
So, in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know, but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. This is one of the many reasons why Deep Dish Football is respected in the IHSA. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell
Brody Rademacher Seneca Athlete Class Of 2025 5'8 146
Brody Rademacher, how was your summer?
Summer was really good to me. Besides starting my first job at a boat dock, I was able to enjoy a couple family vacations. Most importantly though I made some real progress in the gym on my own time and through my coaches weight lifting and speed sessions. This was the first summer I was able to get to a couple football camps as well. I attended University of Illinois and University of Notre Dame football showcases. I also had an opportunity to do the Rivals Combine in St. Louis. These were really eye opening and it was nice to get some numbers recorded to see how I can improve from here.
How was your sophomore season?
Sophomore season was great. I had seniority on JV and played up for Varsity. What I loved was the increased playing time, extra touches with the ball and the plays I had an opportunity to participate in. The teams are really family oriented and it makes a difference in how we all go into our games mentally and physically. Whether it was gaining a few yards, blocking, or making a touchdown-it all felt really great sophomore year. I felt I pushed myself and really got a lot out of my season.
What does football mean to you?
Everything, quite literally. Sports have always been my favorite past time. When I started football I just loved everything about it. The crowds cheering, the team unity, and the rush on the field. I started as a quarterback and played for our local summer league at a younger age. When it shut down I went to a neighboring town to play for the Morris Chiefs. They gave me an opportunity as a running back and it changed everything for me. The literal and figurative rush running the ball, scoring touchdowns, and just being a part of it all, was it for me. I was known for my stiff arm but some rules have since changed. Football just gives me a sense of family and a sense of myself. Some kids do it to stay busy but it’s more than that for me. It’s a way of life and it’s a defining aspect of who I am. Football taught me leadership, patience, how to take the good with the bad, how to put in hard work, and it’s positively impacted my life all these years. I can’t imagine it all ending after senior year so I’m doing my best to work for opportunities to play at the college level. It’s a way of life and it’s a huge piece of my world that I’m proud of. Football brings me pride and joy. I love being with my second family (coaches/teammates).
What should college coaches know about you?
I know football is a lot about size, but it’s also about heart. Im dedicated to this game whole heartedly. I’ve been pouring myself into practices and games every year since I was 5. At 5’8” I might not catch your attention right away for size but I’m still growing and I’m not afraid of anyone on the field. I consider myself “shifty” and the ball in my hands is always positive gains. I’m constantly looking for growth, constructive criticism is welcome, and I will put my full effort into my performance to improve. I learn quickly and apply myself in every practice or game. I would want coaches to know that just as they value their team and the pride they have, I have that for myself and I would bring those same values and beliefs and be a positive impact in the program. I love a challenge and I love this game. If they took a chance on me, they’d get my 110% every day and I’d be a representation of their program and myself that would influence other young players to pursue football, their college and be a positive influence on my teammates. Most of all, I’d just love an opportunity to keep playing the game I love until I no longer can. That opportunity would not be taken for granted.
What do you feel is your strongest trait on the football field?
I feel my strongest trait is running the ball hard, every time it’s in my possession. When it’s my time to shine, I make the most of it so I have no regrets. I feel like I navigate a hole quickly and can grab some yards to benefit us as a team.
Who is the funniest player on the team?
Oh man, by far Kysen Klinker. He just keeps us all laughing all practice.
What goals do you have for yourself this upcoming season?
My biggest goals are achieving 500+ rushing yards for the season. To some, that’s minimal, to others it’s a lot. Seneca is stacked with some great RB options on our varsity team this year, so splitting that time can be a challenge in achieving that goal. I am also really focused on building more strength and increasing my speed. Im putting the work in at practice, outside of school, and with a trainer. I’m really excited to see how it translates from the weight room to the field.
How does Seneca look for the upcoming season?
I think we’re looking pretty good. Our line is beefy, our running backs are quick and there’s a lot of dedication from the players. We’ve been working hard all summer and the unity is there. I think going into our new conference will highlight our strengths and push us to continue to perform at our best. But we’re ready for whatever comes our way. Seneca loves a challenge and I think we have a lot of heart and talent to dominate the field.
Who else on Seneca should be on the lookout for this upcoming season?
We have a lot of great players, and they all deserve recognition. Some great guys that stand out to me are Nathan Grant (QB), Chris Peura (lineman), and Kysen Klinker (TE).
Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting
But About The Love Of The Game Of IHSA Football