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Meet Loyola Academy OL Panayiotis Mihalopoulos Class Of 2023

So, in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell

Panayiotis Mihalopoulos Loyola Academy Class of 2023 OL 6'3 280

Panayiotis Mihalopoulos how was your season?

The season went well for the team we definitely saw our strengths and weaknesses. Unfortunately I got injured right before the start of the season. Even though it set me back physically I stayed in the game mentally and learned the playbook like the back of my hand to help my peers. I did everything I could to help the team whether it was on the sideline with my O line coach telling him what I’m seeing and suggestions on plays to even coaching up my fellow HOGS and the younger players. Even running scout team from time to time.

What does football mean to you?

Football means everything to me even though I only just started playing freshman year. I gave up my passion of playing ice hockey at the next level and took a chance on football at one of the premier programs in Illinois. From that moment on I’ve been in love with everything about football especially the physical aspect. What do you like about playing in the trenches?

I love the hitting and the ability to force your will upon another man legally. Even though the O Line isn’t recognized like other positions I don’t mind being apart of the group of guys behind the scenes that make everything happen.

What goals do you have for yourself next season?

Next season I’m striving to be one of the best in Illinois. I want to be a more dominant force and stronger than I was before. I would also like to continue being consistent in my technique and a dependable person to play behind.

What do you feel is your strongest trait on the football field? On the field for me would definitely be the ability to know my position inside and out. Not only is the O Line the most physical but you also have to be the smartest. Especially when your facing someone bigger and stronger than you.

What part of your game do you plan on working on in the offseason? I plan on working on speed and technique. Technique and speed go hand in hand because once your technique is impeccable you no longer have to think and you just do therefore becoming faster. What would you like college coaches to know about you? I am the hardest worker on the field. I put in the hours and I know nothing is given and everything is earned.

What should incoming freshmen know about this Loyola Academy football program? It not only is a great program but it is a tradition. Playing for Loyola and wearing that jersey means you earned it and you are honoring the people who established this dominant program.

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting

But About The Love Of The Game Of IHSA Football


Take Look At The Deep Dish Football Fundraiser


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