Meet Huntley Athlete Dylan Schmidt Class Of 2023

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell
Dylan Schmidt Huntley Athlete Class of 2023 6'2 185

Dylan Schmidt how was your spring season?
Due to the shorter season, I don't think I got to show all of my capabilities, but when I was on the field I gave it my all. I think it was harder for everyone to play in the spring versus the fall but it was a good learning experience. I did finish strong with 4.5 sacks my last game and that is what I wanted to do and end on a good note. What does being a multi-sport athlete mean to you? It means being more well rounded on the field. It makes players more diverse. Track and field I believe makes you more explosive and faster. Speed Kills! What does football mean to you? Football means a high level of of dedication. It is extremely physical and takes a certain type of personality to handle the physical contact. The physical contact is something I enjoy the most. What do you feel is your strongest trait on the football field? I would say my gut instinct, my ability to play instinctively and my aggression. I like to play with a chip on my shoulder. What would you like college coaches to know about you? I want coaches to know I am a hard worker. I have 9 years of gymnastics experience that I think has made me a better athlete all around. I understand the dedication needed to succeed and have continued to apply that to other sports including diving, track and of course football. That helps me excel at any sport I am in. How good can this Huntley squad be for the upcoming season? I think we will continue to be strong. We have athletic kids on our team and coaches who develop us and help us reach our best performance on the field.
Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of IHSA Football