Meet Bresse Mater Dei Defensive Tackle Brayden Buehne Class Of 2023 - Name You Must Know

So, in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know, but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. This is one of the many reasons why Deep Dish Football is respected in the IHSA. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell
Brayden Buehne Mater Dei DT/DL Class of 2023 5'10 250

Brayden Buehne how was your junior season? It was good had a lot of ups going 9-0 and we accomplished a lot more this past season than anyone would have expected us to have done. I was told we were going to maybe win 4 games from people before the season but then to go 9-0 it was quite special, and it was my best year, yet I had 103 tackles and 3 fumble recoveries as a defensive tackle/one tech. It is pretty insane to think about but yes, this season was one for the memory books What does football mean to you? Football brings me to my happy place where nothing else matters to me besides the next play. Everything else in life is just on pause ever since I was in 1st grade, I’ve dreamed of playing at the high school level and playing for Mater Dei and now it’s my senior year and now I’m hoping to get my shot at the next level. That and I started my football career back when I was in 1st grade so it is way more than just a game for me What should college coaches know about you? I’ll do whatever it takes to win What do like about playing on the defensive line? Getting to be right in the middle of everything and getting to always be hitting someone
What goals do you have for yourself this upcoming season?
Just to be better than last season get more tackles, cause more fumbles, and to be a team leader. Make sure we can excel as a team to come out on top and win a state championship that’s always the goal.
What should incoming freshmen football players know about this Mater Dei football program?
Just be ready to work their tail off with our head football Coach Steibel because it is an all-year thing, but it is well worth it to be playing under the lights on the Friday nights. In Breese, football is something special in the Mater Dei culture there will always be fans no matter the weather or the drive. Which makes playing for Mater Dei so much fun because there isn’t a much better atmosphere. I would also like to tell them to stay focused and not to give up practices are going to be hard but stick with it and one day they might be the team leader
What do you feel is your strongest trait on the football field? My strongest trait on the field is that I’m very football smart. I can read where the running back is wanting to go and pretty much bait him into the hole, I want him to run into. I’m also a very strong person which makes it easier for me to man handle the guy in front of me. I can also get really flat to make plays sideline to sideline and my last trait is probably not caring what happens to my body. I will go all out to make a play if it’s from diving to going headfirst, I will do what it takes to make a big play.