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Conversation With Stagg 6'5 Defensive End Gytis Janciukas Class Of 2024 - Name To Watch

So, in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know, but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. This is one of the many reasons why Deep Dish Football is respected in the IHSA. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell

Gytis Janciukas Stagg DE/OL Class Of 2024 6'5 250

Gytis Janciukas how is your offseason going so far? My off-season is going the way I intended it to go, I have added so much strength and size as did my teammates. I’ve also became faster and more agile. While being a multi-sport athlete it sometimes gets tough to manage time for everything (football, school, and other sport). However, I always find a way to put in the work because I know it will pay off in this upcoming season. I am very excited to show what I’ve accomplished in this offseason and what I am able to do now that struggled with before. How was your junior season last fall? My junior year was everything I could’ve asked for, however I am greedy and I want more. My junior year had many up and downs, but the downs where used to learn and as motivation to get better. I’ve learned a lot playing with the more experienced players, and I’ve used it to get better. I’m sad that it is over, but more happy that it happened, I cannot wait for my senior year because It will be the greed and satisfaction me and my teammates were waiting for all of this offseason.

What does football mean to you? I love playing sports ever since I was young, and discovering football was a major change to me. It allowed me to be me, football allows me to have fun and forget everything that might be going on in my life. In a way it is an escape; putting on that helmet allows confidence and joy to seep my whole body, and wishing it would never come off. Football has a community that no other sport has, the connections that it builds with people that will then continue to last outside of football. All in all, football is something I look forward each day; from putting on the pads all the way to spending time with my teammates and coaches, almost becoming like a second family. What should college coaches know about you? Colleges should understand that I have very high work ethic, and will do anything that can give me the upper benefit over someone. I love to work hard because I wanna be not only better then others that have the same goal as me but also to see how much I have improved. If I can look back at my freshmen year to my junior year to now, I can confidently say that I have made some gigantic strides with the pain, work, and sweat I had put in. This doesn’t mean that I don’t focus on school, I still put many, many hours into school to my school work. School is very important to me and I prioritize it just as much as football. Last, I want colleges to know that when I put my mind to something I always become very dedicated and competitive with it, like how it is with football; I work hard no matter the way I feel, I will always put in 100% of effort no matter what, because I have a goal, and I will do anything to reach that goal.

What do you like about playing in the trenches? Trenches I feel like it’s one funniest positions to play if not the funniest. The trenches has the most action and is the most physical which makes it exciting. Teammates are the closest to you while in the trenches, and going together towards the person across the line is an experience that no other position could replace. Blowing up the person on the other side is the most rewarding part and celebrating it with the rest of your linemen teammates is something that comes with playing in the trenches. Overall, the trenches is a physically challenging position but knowing the dominance and having teammates by to have your back, is the funniest part of football. What goals do you have for yourself this season? My goal for this season is to become the best version of myself with the things I have. I want to increase the chemistry with my teammates and get everyone on the same mindset. Personally I want to create I name for myself, and let coaches and players to know who I am. I want to be the player that nobody expected to appear and created the noise that everyone will hear. I want to become the best football player I ever was by working even harder then last year on and off the field, listening to the criticism coaches give me and using it as a learning tool. I also don’t just wanna become the best player and also wanna become the best version of myself that I can take of the field and spread it outside of football. I just want to become very experienced with the sport and teach the younger grade the ways of football so it can transfer to when I/we leave. Overall, I want to be the best version of me and create a name for myself, and to leave a footprint to tell others that anything is possible, however this can all come if you’re willing to put in the hours of hard, hard, hard work.

What game are you most excited for this upcoming season? I’m excited for our first game against Joliet Central. It’s our first game and it will be our first opportunity to show the rest of the teams on what the hard work Stagg has been putting in all offseason. The only way to show it is by playing our first game and stepping on the field with people with the same mentality I’ve been having. I’m excited to know that right after school I get to go outside with my teammates and play the sport I love most. I can’t wait to put in the work with my teammates and push myself and others past their limits to show what we can really do on our first game. I can wait for the Friday night games and all the celebrations that will come on those days. All in all, it will be a incredible feeling playing football again with my teammates and playing that first game, it’s something I’ve been waiting for since the last time I had put on the helmet in my junior season.

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting

But About The Love Of The Game Of IHSA Football



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