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Chatting With Wheeling Athlete Simon Micula Class Of 2023 - Name To Watch

So, in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell

Simon Micula Wheeling ATH/LB Class of 2023 5'11 205

Simon Micula how was your junior season? My junior season had some upside and downside. Personally, I feel I played pretty well. I feel at the end I really started feeling good playing as the SAM backer. It felt like almost every game I would have some high impact plays on defense. On the offensive side of the ball I ran the ball hard up the middle, however I felt I was only a bruiser type back and I lacked just that extra speed to finish some of those big runs. So speed and getting leaner has been a big focus on this offseason. As a team I feel that getting that week 1 win was great for the program, however after we couldn't just play good ball for a whole game. We would hit hard, practice hard come close in some games but we just couldn't finish some games. Like that Buffalo Grove game. We were expected to get blown out because they were conference champs and we were last. However, when we played the football that we all knew we can and should have played and we were right in the game. I believe it was 21-7 with 6 minutes left. Then we gave up like 3 or 4 touchdowns fast. So some good things came out of the 2022 season, however overall at the end of the season I felt pretty dissatisfied and disappointed. What does football mean to you? I don't view football as a sport. It's more then a sport to me. I love playing physical and hitting hard, however the first thing that comes to mind is team. Football is the ultimate team sport. Everyone has to buy in for the program for it to be successful. Also the relationships that are made from football are really special to me. People come and go but the bond that you make with your teammates is really special. It's like having a second family. I see people like coach p giving up time with his family and spend it with us, and so much of his money to feed us well. I see players on the team giving up personal time and their own comfort to help other teammates. I love how everyone has each others back, and we do almost everything together What should college coaches know about you? That I am a program person. Once I buy into a program I am not going anywhere even when things get tough. I am a very loyal person. I am also not a liability. I get good grades and do not have any problems with anyone or any teachers. I also could learn what they want me to learn fast. I came in to high school barely knowing any football. However, the amount of film I have watched and questions I asked coaches and help I have received from coaches, have gave me a great football IQ. Something that I am now very proud of. I like to talk game plans with coaches and every week the other captains and I would meet with coaches and talk about the game plan and how to better lead the team. I am also a weight room guy I love working out and lifting. The problems coaches faced with me and the weight room was not getting me in, it was getting me out and telling me I am lifting too much. I am also a team player. I love my team and would play or do anything for the team.

What do you feel is your strongest trait on the football field? The strongest trait I have is playing with no fear. We played multiple teams that had linemen that were huge and had big time D1 offers and were older then me. However I had no second thoughts running into them full speed and getting of their blocks to make a tackle. Or chopping them on a goal line play so another backer or safety can make the play. My first varsity play I made was a 3rd and 4 and the other team ran power with their 6 foot 2, 225 pounds of lean muscle running back who is now playing linebacker at the university of Illinois, and I shed the centers block and stepped up in the b gap and tackled him without hesitating. Who else on Wheeling should I be on the lookout for the upcoming season this fall? Dominic Palka. He is a tank at 6 foot 2,275 and he has quick feet. One of my best plays was because he pancaked blocked 2 kids which left a huge gap for me to run through. Also, Christian Glowa he is short standing at around 5 foot 8 and playing line, however he is extremely strong and uses his height to get low and make big plays. He is also a weight room guy. The last guy is Aj. Aj is a 3 sport athlete who is extremely athletic and selfless. He played QB, WR, CB, Safety. Coaches made him play almost everything and I never heard him complain. He also has good frame at 6 foot almost 180 pounds, and has been in crazy work in the weight room to get heavier.

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