Chatting With Stevenson QB Liam Crawley Class Of 2021- Name You Need To Watch

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell
Liam Crawley Stevenson QB Class of 2021 6'2 185
Liam Crawley how was your 2019 season? I think overall my 2019 season was a solid start to my varsity career and it taught me a lot. Earning the job and learning how to compete at the varsity level was something very special to me and I think it really helped me become a leader. But, I know I have a lot more to prove. During the off-season I really worked on things like footwork, accuracy, and overall knowledge of the offense to fix those mistakes I made last year in my first varsity experience. What should college coaches know about you? College Coaches should know how far I’ve come as a leader and player. Facing the adversity of having to earn the starting spot and win over the team taught me so much. I learned how to be confident in myself and earn the trust of me teammates that they can count on me in any situation. I also gained so much more as an athlete. I lifted and trained more than I ever have in my life and put on a lot more needed muscle to take the big hits. But I think what I most improved on is my game. My arm is stronger, I’m much faster, and I can make the throws I wasn’t able to make before. I feel much more confident and I have improved as a quarterback so much from last year. What do you feel is your strongest trait on the football field? My strongest trait on the football field is my confidence and control of my emotions. Most quarterbacks, especially at the varsity level, have very strong arms and bring a lot of talent to the table like myself. I think what sets me apart from the others is not only the fact that I can make plays and throw accurate passes downfield, but the fact that I’m super focused and relaxed. I stay composed and I stay calm. This allows me to not lose control of my emotions and to not fall under pressure. This brings a lot of confidence to my game and makes me play at a much higher level. What is your favorite route to throw to? My favorite route to throw is the deep ball. It’s something I’ve worked really hard on in the offseason and last year I made some great plays and huge completions with the deep ball. I love taking shots downfield for my guys to make plays! Who else on Stevenson should I be on the lookout for this upcoming season? We have a lot of talent on our team for the upcoming season and I don’t think there is anyone I can truly single out. We have lots of talent on our defense with 2021 LB Danny Orgler and CB Jaden Mojica. Our offense is stacked with 2021 WR’s Jayden McFadden and Tristan Moskovic. But, to be completely honest, we have talent everywhere and I can’t wait to get out there and play!
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