Chatting With Rochester 6'4 Defensive End Grant Wisecup Class Of 2023

So, in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know, but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. This is one of the many reasons why Deep Dish Football is respected in the IHSA. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell
Grant Wisecup DE/OL 6'4 215 Rochester Class of 2023

Grant Wisecup how was your junior season?
My Junior season went very well, our team went 11-2 and we made very big improvements.
What does football mean to you?
Football means everything to me. There is nothing better to me than going out to practice to be with my friends and put in work.
What was your favorite memory from last season?
My favorite memory from last season would have to be the atmosphere from the field to the locker room after we beat Sacred Heart Griffin during week 3 of the season.
What do you feel is your strongest trait on the football field?
I feel that my strongest traits on the field would have to be my leadership on the offensive and defensive line and also my ability to think quickly to make the different offensive and defensive calls. I would also consider myself very resilient through contact.
What should college coaches know about you?
College coaches should know that I am very coachable and I love to come to practice everyday to have fun and put in work. I like to put in work on and off the practice field and I watch a lot of film even during the offseason.
What part of your game do you plan on working on in the offseason?
During the offseason, I plan to work most of all on getting bigger and stronger, along with working on my speed getting off the ball.
What goals do you have for yourself this upcoming season?
For this next season, the biggest goal I have is to be a big influence and help lead my team. Another goal I have is to keep a big presence on the defensive line.
What do you like about playing in the trenches?
What I like most about playing in the trenches is the physicality of it and that you get to hit people every play. I also like the connection that forms between you and the rest of the offensive and defensive line.