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Chatting With Metea Valley Defender Omotayo Taiwo Class Of 2023

So, in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell

Omotayo Taiwo Metea Valley Defensive End 6'2 230 Class of 2023

Omotayo Taiwo how was your junior season? It was very good, I was part of the starting defensive line and along with a team that accomplished many things this year, with and improved record from past years, as well as even the first 3 game win streak in program history What does football mean to you? Football means a lot to me, I’ve been playing since around 8 years old. I’ve always dreamt of playing at the collegiate level, and excited to show others what I’m capable of for my Senior season What do you like about playing in the trenches? I love that I get to always get better at football in the trenches, whether it’s a pass rush move or stopping the run, I get to use my moves from practice and try to master them so they can be used in the trenches on friday nights. What should college coaches know about you? Whether it's a 5 play or 15 play drive, I don't take plays off, I always run to the football, and always try to make the tackle on plays. How good can this Metea Valley team be for the upcoming season? Very good. When you look at our past games, our record didn't define who we can be. We lost by 5 against Geneva, lost by only 3 by Naperville North, and held top ranked Neuqua Valley to only 10 points in the first Half. With the new upcoming juniors and the current Class of 2023. I truly believe we can make the playoffs and truly shock the state on what we can do. Who is one player that is ready have a big season on Metea Valley this fall? Someone I can say that for is Robert Lynch. I've Played football with Robert since 3rd grade and can tell you right now that wherever he is on the field, he is capable of making plays, but he is one of the best receivers I have ever played with, and I played with Jalen Johnson and John Flynn. His route running, his drive, and his playmaking is something out of this world, and the DVC should watch out for this man, because he's having a BREAKOUT season this year.

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