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Logan Kreiter how was it being back on the field?
It has been great! After 16 months it is the best feeling a guy could ask for! 2 months ago we didn’t think we’d be playing, now we are having crowds in the stands, couldn’t be more thankful!
What should college coaches know about you?
I would like coaches too know of course my size, being 6’9 350 lbs. I believe I have a work ethic that is hard too beat in every aspect of my life. I strive too get good grades, give my all too my team, and go the extra mile whenever possible. I don’t quit or stop trying when things get rough, it actually encourages me too do better and fight harder.
What do you feel is your strongest trait on the field?
I would have too say my determination and will too keep fighting. I keep playing the same intensity whether we are behind or 20 points ahead.
What part of your game have you been working on in the offseason?
My main focus has been speed and just getting mean. I have been in the weight room working as well. I have been working on mobility a decent amount as well.
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