Catching Up Again With Waubonsie Valley OL Sam Skuj Class Of 2020

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell
Sam Skuja Class Of 2020 OL Waubonsie Valley

Sam Skuja how was your 2019 season?
The 2019 season had its ups and downs. Although my team and I didn’t have the outcome we’d hoped for, I still feel like I’ve grown a lot as a person on and off the football field. I love my teammates and playing with them was special. They’re the ones who made the 2019 season special for me.
What was one of your favorite memories for 2019?
My favorite memory was our last game vs Naperville North. We lost to them week 4 and it was great to avenge our loss. Plus, it was our coaches last game over a long career and it was nice to send him off on a high note. The look on his face and the look on my teammates faces made my last high school game something I’ll never forget .
What should the incoming classes know about Waubonsie Valley football?
Waubonsie Valley has been a great program for a very long time. Incoming classes should know that in order to keep the winning tradition alive you must put in lots of work. I feel like our team got satisfied too early so another thing I would tell them is never be satisfied and never think what you’ve done is enough.
Funniest memory this season?
It would definitely be when we gave our coach a Gatorade/Ice bath after we beat north. I was on PAT and my teammate came up to me to tell me that we were giving him an ice bath and I knew it was gonna be hilarious. So we drenched our coach with freezing cold water and Gatorade and just seeing everyone celebrate and laugh with our Coach was really great and funny for me.
What does the future hold for Sam Skuja?
I think the future for me is at Illinois State University to study business. I don’t know if college football is right for me and my family at this moment. But I will always keep my mind open to playing in college because it’s something that I would love to do. I just don’t know if now is the right time.