Chatting With Bismarck Henning's Caleb Lahey One Of Top Running Backs In Illinois For The Class

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell
Caleb Lahey Bismarck Henning RB/ATH Class Of 2020 5'10 210
Career So Far= 3500 YARDS AND 45 TOUCHDOWNS
Caleb Lahey is one of top running backs in Illinois and has been for the past 3 seasons. Burst onto the IHSA Football scene his freshmen season, making big plays. Consider top ten running back recruits in the state of Illinois for the class of 2020. One of the better RBs in Illinois for on-field vision, great ability to make linebackers miss. Not afraid to make contact with a defender when needed.
Caleb Lahey how was your 2018 season?
It was a pretty descent season but we did not do as well as I hoped. Our line needed a lot of work which did not help me. I was happy with the numbers but still was not totally satisfied. We went a long way for what we had but this 2019 will be an even better one.
What schools have you talked to so far?
I have talked a little bit with Michigan State, Wyoming, Tennessee, Illinois state, eastern Illinois, and plenty of smaller schools. I’m definitely trying to get that number up but need a little help.
What should college coaches know about you?
I am an easy learner. I am also very versatile. I will work harder than anyone to achieve my goals. I am a strong and powerful runner who will get you 3 yards when it’s 4th and 1. I love the game of football and will do anything to succeed.
What do you feel is your strongest trait on the field?
What position do you feel most comfortable in?
Definitely running back but I can play anywhere
How does Bismarck Henning look for this upcoming season?
We sit pretty good we have almost everyone back except for two players and we are also gaining a couple new key players as well. This will be a great season and we plan on playing at Eastern Illinois University week 14
Besides you, Who are some other players on Bismarck Henning I should be on the lookout for?
Erik Watson will be a junior this coming year is really the only other player really planning on pursuing a career in football. We have Avery McConkey which is my quarterback and he will be of great help to us this year as well
"Senior Season", What does that mean to you?
It’s the last chance I have to prove myself and go get the best reward you can get in high school football. This season is going to be bitter sweet and is the last year before I go play with the big dawgs. No one will stand in my way this year.
Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of IHSA Football