Meet Byron's QB Class Of 2020 Ben Carlson As He Talks Recruitment & Upcoming Season

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell
Ben Carlson Class of 2020 QB/ATH Byron 6'3 185
Ben Carlson how was your 2018 season?
I think the 2018 season really showed everyone what we’re about. We made the IHSA 3A state title game but sadly lost 24-20. But our team performed amazing every week. We really showed everyone what Byron is about and we’re ready for 2019
What schools have you been talking to so far?
I have been in contact with SIU, Western Illinois and Drake University. I’ve gotten some other interest from other schools as well. But those three have been in contact a lot.
What should college coaches know about you?
Well Byron is a wing T offense so it’s hard to get noticed because we don’t throw as much as other spread teams do. But I train with Jeff Christensen and he trains a lot of D1 QBs and NFL QBs such as Patrick Mahomes and Baker Mayfield. But I work very hard on my skills. And I personally think I can throw the ball very well and I can extend plays with my feet. But my work ethic is one of the better things about me. I give 110% every play
What does your college camp schedule look like this summer?
I will be going to the Lindenwood mega camp, western Illinois, NIU, SIU QB camp, University of Illinois, Illinois State
What does Byron football mean to you?
Byron football is one of the best things to happen to me. I’ve learned so much from Byron and my head coach Jeff Boyer. It is something that has helped me become who I am today. I’ve gained leadership skills and it has helped me become a better individual
How does this Byron team look for the upcoming season?
I’m very excited for this upcoming season. We lost a few key players on defense and offense. But our whole backfield is back besides our fullback. But we know what it takes to get to the state finals. We all have one goal and that’s to win the state finals. Byron is known by other teams and the state and we’re not going away.
Who are some Byron players I should be on the lookout for, besides you and tyler?
Well one player almost everyone knows, is Tyler Elsbury. He’s committed on a full ride to Iowa. But other key players are wingback Drake Snodgrass and tailback Isaac Stickler. They both are big threats in the running game and receiving.
What would you say to incoming younger Bryon football classes about putting on the orange?
I would say we all have one goal in Byron football is to win state, and if you are not willing to work the hardest you’ve ever worked to bring success to Byron football. Then don’t bother coming out. We want people who will work hard and make time for football.

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of IHSA Football